
About me

Hi everyone!

My name is Sofia and I live in Coquitlam. I’m 17 and I go to Charles Best Secondary (gr 12). This is my second year in Social Responsibility, and I’m very excited! 

My passion is reading, especially non-fiction. I really like reading about social issues, such as women’s studies or antiracism. Right now, I’m reading a book called “Caliban and the Witch” by Silvia Federici. In addition, one thing about me that might surprise others is that I’ve lived in 3 different countries (and 4 different cities) throughout my life. As a result, I speak 3 languages; English, Spanish and Portuguese. 

If I could solve any local problem, it would probably be the impacts of residential schools on indigenous communities. Even though I’m not indigenous, I’ve volunteered in some organisations that help the homeless, and it is clear that many indigenous peoples are homeless due to their trauma (or their family’s trauma) with residential schools.

Andrea Dworkin is one of my heroes. She was an important author and activist of the women’s movement. Her books and activism inspired me to be more critical of how women are treated in our society, and that we need to stand up against certain systems in order to change this.


Inquiry Based learning is the prong that most interests me because I enjoyed it last year.   I liked being able to research a topic of my choosing and enjoyed reading other people’s work too. This year, I’m expecting to learn more about topics that interest me.

Sofia B.

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