
Inquiry-Water Systems

 Water Systems- What are the thing people can do to keep people, ecosystems, and other organisms safe?

Water systems are used commonly throughout the world and have many beneficial factors. Although they are extremely useful, problems can occur. When problems arise from water systems, solutions and impacts can be discovered by understanding what is happening. What are things people can do to help keep people, ecosystems, and other organisms safe by solving these problems and understanding water systems? 

Understanding why people use water systems is crucial to helping others understand their impacts and how water systems can be fixed or improved, or advance society. Some of the main reasons we use water systems is to remove disease causing agents [1],to fix contaminated water in transportation pipes [2] and to decontaminate anything we have flushed down the drain that has to go to a wastewater facility [3]. In minor water sources such as rivers and streams that do not have water systems, elements such as silver, mercury, iron, zinc, and copper can be found. [4] These are common reasons why water systems may be required in many places.

When problems arise with water systems, finding ways to fix them is a large concern. Some common problems seen with water systems are water borne germs that can cause sicknesses and diseases,[1] chlorine’s toxicity to fish and amphibians,[2] and how industrialized places cause problems in water quality [3][4]. Water borne germs cause problems when water systems fail to do their job to cleanse them from the water. Illnesses such as E. coli, Hepatitis A, and giardia intestinalis can be contracted[1]. An infection with one of these diseases could cause kidney failure or possibly death [5]. Chlorine’s toxicity to fish and amphibians causes a problem because if species begins to deteriorate, they may become endangered due to the fact that chlorine has entered the water. Chlorine is fatal to these kinds of organisms since they absorb water through their bloodstreams. One of the largest problems water systems face is agricultural and industrial sources. [3] The waste water they produce impacts rivers and causes pollution and negatively impacts surrounding ecosystems.[3][4]

As people face these problems, solutions are found to make water systems more safe and efficient for use. One thing that can be done to help water systems is by recycling wastewater. By doing this, water is made to be reusable for humans and other organisms and is not being dumped into an ecosystem to do harm. [6] To rid water borne germs in a household, making sure faucets and showerheads are clean prevents waterborne germs and rust.[7] Other ways to avoid illness from water is to get a UV filter for the water system and use reverse osmosis in the water.[8] Reverse osmosis is extremely important as it helps rid water of carcinogens, which are harmful and also known to cause cancer. [9][3]If an at home water system has problems with hard water, a water softener can be bought to help dissolve some harsh metals. 

In conclusion, understanding the impacts and solutions highlights the importance of water systems and why striving to make them better and eliminate problems is crucial to the future. By understanding these systems, it will help people to understand the way and the importance of keeping the waters clean. Solving these problems that occur is very important to keeping people, ecosystems, and other organisms safe. 












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  1. Hi Morgan,

    Wow, I learned a lot from this blog post! I like how you laid out this article, the paragraphs made it easier to distinguish between topics. In my opinion, the question you added at the very beginning of the post helped aid me in my thinking before the more detailed information, and made the post much more balanced with smooth transitions!

    I look forward to your future posts!
    Karen Z.

  2. Hello Morgan! This whole blog post was super well written and very entertaining to read. I never knew a lot of the information you shared with is like understanding why people usr water systems and the ways people find ways to fix problems when they occur. Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to read your other other posts!

  3. Hi Morgan,
    your inquiry project is very well researched and I loved reading about water systems! Your project is also very interesting and I love the information you focused on when researching. I totally agree that us as humans need to find ways to do out part by not wasting water so everyone in the world can have an equal share. You also used many valid sources in your writing. Great work!

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