
Blog Post #4

My Journey into Darkness - My Mental Health

Inquiry Question: Why Are Suicidal Rates Higher for Teenagers

My second research for this inquiry question is about how one with suicidal thoughts feels and shows toward others. So, please make sure that you are comfortable with this topic when reading this blog post and if you are not comfortable, please do not keep reading.


During this second round of research, I will be talking about what suicidal thoughts would feel like and what they would experience.

People with suicidal thoughts wonder what death feels like to plan a suicide. They would either feel disconnected from others, withdraw from their family and friends, feel trapped in a situation, feel like a burden to others, think about death or violence, and even talk about it to people. (1) People would also feel scared, confused, or overwhelmed when they first encounter these feelings. (2)

What a Suicidal Might Think or Feel:

  • There is no point in living (2,3)
  • You would feel overwhelmed by the negative thoughts (2,3)
  • A mental pain that feels like it would never end (2)
  • You would feel like a burden to others (2,3)
    • Feeling like you are useless to others
    • Feeling like everyone is better without you
  • You would cut yourself from your body to feel numb (2)
  • You are interested in death (2)
  • You’re consumed by negativity and disturbing thoughts (3)
  • The only way to relieve your pain is death (3)
  • You’re lonely even if you’re with your friends and family (3)
  • You don’t understand why you have these feelings or thinking this way (3)

What a Suicidal Person May Experience: (2)

  • Poor sleep
    • Waking up earlier than you want
  • Change in appetite
    • Weight gain or loss
  • Neglecting your physical appearance
  • Avoiding others
  • Making a will or giving away possessions
  • Struggles to communicate
  • Low self-esteem
  • Wants to self-harm

Here is a video of a group of people talking about what it feels like to have suicidal feelings:

Blog Post #5 I will be talking about the possible ideas on how any teenagers are depressed or having suicidal thoughts unconscionably. Some topics that I would go over are school, peer pressure, and what society wants from each person. This final research blog post will get us closer to our answer.


  1. The JED Foundation, J. (2022, May 12). What to do when you’re feeling hopeless or thinking about suicide: Jed. The Jed Foundation. Retrieved May 23, 2022, from
  2. Mind Organization, M. (2020). What are suicidal feelings? Retrieved May 23, 2022, from
  3. World Health Organization, W. H. O. (2016). Depression let’s talk do you feel like life is not worth living? Do You Feel Like Life Is Not Worth Living? Retrieved May 23, 2022, from

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Estella,
    This is very interesting and important research you are doing. I love the way you formatted your blog post for example, the way you listed the thoughts and experiences out in point form so it is more visually appealing. I think the post was very informative and I like how you planned exactly what you were going to write about next time. Here are some links that may help that research.

    Best of luck in your research!
    Chantal M

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