

Respond to this post by leaving a reply and answering the following questions.

  1. What is your favorite taste? Explain why.
  2. What is your least favorite taste? Explain why.
  3. How do these taste relate to your memories?


  1. One of my favourite tastes is the taste of ramen noodles because it is so warm and delicious and it also leaves a fulfilling feeling in my stomach. I remember in the summer, when I come home at night after just going swimming, I am very hungry, so my mom makes me a huge bowl of ramen noodles to enjoy. My least favourite taste is the taste of asparagus. I think it just has a terrible taste and eating it makes me want to puke. I remember being so grossed out by the asparagus on my plate during family dinners, and quietly sneaking it to my brother, who will eat anything I give him.

    1. Hi Julie,

      This is so relatable! I also love eating ramen noodles. Sometimes I would crave them late at night, and if there happened to be some instant packs at home, I would get up to make them, then feel super happy and eat it. And to be honest, anything after swimming tastes so good. I also don’t love asparagus, I don’t think it’s the taste, I just don’t like the texture of it. So I would eat it if there were some, but I definitely wouldn’t ask to have them if there weren’t any.

  2. One of my favorite tastes is the taste of pizza. I’m not sure why it’s my favorite, but I just love the cheasy goodness of it. I remember when I was younger I always felt so special because my parents made a whole pizza just for me, because they liked pineapple on their pizza and I thought it was disgusting. I thought it was awesome how I could eat as much pizza as I wanted without sharing with anyone. My least favorite taste is liver. For as long as I can remember my dad has made liver for supper on his birthday. Because it was his birthday, we had to suck it up and eat it anyway, but it made me feel like puking. Now my dad always makes me something else whenever he wants liver.

    1. Hi Aiyana, pizza is also my favourite food. I think it is so delicious and I love the taste of it as well! Next, liver sound disgusting. I have never had it before, but just the sound of it makes me want to puke. I’m glad you force yourself to eat it for you dad on his birthday.
      Also, I really like the specific memories you shared!

  3. My favourite taste is ramen. I enjoy the taste, and it is easy to make. My least favourite taste is onion. I hate the strong taste of onions. Ramen is usually eaten on days we get back from vacations, when we are too tired to make anything, or on birthdays. Eating ramen relates to these happy memories. I have eaten onions twice in my life because I was forced fed. I remember I cut the onion into small pieces and swallowed them like pills because I really hate the taste. The taste of onions relates to this bad memory,

  4. My favourite taste ever would be safron ice cream, because they are simply so enjoyable, they would be safron wafer icecreams with nuts and frozen cream in them, and though it sounds a bit exotic, they were the peak of my childhood because, everytime afterschool, my mother would take me and my sister to a store and we would always buy some sort of ice cream, the safron ones being my favourite. They were justs o fun, and calming to eat! My least favourite food, that I would never go near to this day is feta cheese, I am not sure why I do not like it, but I simply grew up not eating it while everyone else did, this least favourite used to be all cheeses, but as I grew older I became less picky, and now has just became feta cheese, which I do not know the taste of because I ate it when I was younger, and never again, but everytime I see feta cheese, I just do not have the feeling of eating it either because of the texture it has, (looks like it has), it is just weird, and I would rather have something else.

    1. safron ice cream sounds really yummy. I have not tried it before I might have to give it a try. I”m not a big fan of feta cheese ether. I have not had it in a while, but when I did It was nasty

  5. Taste is the perception produced or stimulated when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically with taste receptor cells located on taste buds in the oral cavity, mostly on the tongue.My favorite taste is chocolate sweets. I love this taste because it makes me feel good in my tongue and it makes me enjoy eating it. I crave most of the time, mostly at night, I crave for chocolates dearly.
    It makes me feel good. It is very delicious when I eat it.
    My least favorite taste is lemon taste. I don’t like it because it is very sour and makes me feel bad because I don’t like sour food. I don’t like any of the sour food taste anyway. I remember one day I ate a lemon that was ripe and awesome and once I took it I felt like crying because it was very sour.
    I don’t have a good feeling of this sour taste. The taste of lemon relates to bad memories.

    1. Hi Hannah!!
      I can completely agreed with a favourite taste being ‘chocolate sweets’. Whenever I am able to eat them, the sweetness feels like it is melting into your taste buds!! It’s absolutely lovely, you just want to savour it until the end. Though given your least favourite, you should try lemon and chocolate together, you might be surprised on how good they go together:)

  6. Taste is the quality that different foods or drinks that allow you to recognize when put in the mouth
    My favorite taste is the taste of unboiled milk especially the milk of the Maasai located in Kenya. I love it because it always reminds me of togetherness of our family as we share the milk. I also like honey because it is an animal product and it is sweet on the lips. Honey except it from being an animal product it enables to boosts ones immunity. When I fall sick I always eat honey. Honey reminds me of the importance of class insecta. It also reminds me of the job of bee keeping that I used to watch on the television.
    My worst taste is the taste of an unripe lemon.It is always taste bitter when you try to take it unripe. This makes me feel bored and reminds me of my bitter moments in my life.
    by Beth

    1. Hello Beth ,
      One of my favorite tastes is also milk , I probably drink at least two glasses a day. Though I only drink one percent as anything higher upsets my stomach, which is a shame because two percent milk is delicious. I would also have to agree with you about unripe lemons , they are very unpleasant.

    2. Hey Beth, have you ever tried putting honey in warm milk (not necessarily boiled)? It is absolutely delisious. When I was a kid I used to put honey into warm milk, take a spoon, and drink the milk while scooping the sunken mily honey and eating it. It is absolutely delicious and I really recommend it!

  7. Taste is the flavor perceived in the mouth on contact with a substance. There are different types of taste that people choose according to what they like and love. People choose taste according to choice and preference. The sense of taste helps one to understand her favorites.
    our favorite taste is the taste of coffee because it rejuvenates our feelings and creates warmth in the creates a sense of memory and reduces chances of cancer and stroke. I love drinking hot coffee twice a day. We love long black coffee. Its taste leaves my mouth watery and wanting .My mum usually warns me of taking much of it claiming that I will wet my bed ,whenever she asks the reason why I take much of it I just shrug my shoulders since I don’t want her to know my good secret
    Our least favorite taste is the taste from pepper that creates physical damage to the tongue. When I ate it for the first time it caused severe stomach pain and heartburn from acid reflex.
    CREDIT: Nancy and Joan

  8. What is your favorite taste? Explain why.
    My favorite taste is probably butter chicken and garlic naan, The flavors together are just so good my mouth is watering while writing this.

    What is your least favorite taste? Explain why.
    My least favorite taste is probably Mayonnaise. Quite honestly I have never had mayo on its own , only on accident a handful of times but every time I eat it its so nasty.

    How do these taste relate to your memories?
    Butter chicken reminds me of my dad as he always makes it for me because he knows its my favorite. I really appreciate him for doing this. Mayonnaise reminds me of every time McDonalds messes up my McChicken , as every 1/3 times they put mayo on it when I ask for it plain. To fix this I use a napkin to wipe the mayo off and then my McChicken ends up tasting like paper napkin, which in turn just makes me sad.

    1. I absolve the taste of butter chicken! I remember one of my friends bringing it to my class in grade 5 and it was absolutely delicious! I also despise mayonnaise. It is the devil of all sauces!

    2. I love butter chicken, it’s my favorite Indian dish. My family cooks it often with jasmine rice and we buy naan as well. My boyfriend’s family also cooks it often and whenever he has some, he’ll pack some in Tupperware and bring some for me. The taste is absolutely amazing and each time I go to an Indian restaurant I always get butter chicken. I love it!

  9. One of my favourite tastes would definitely have to be tacos. I’ve loved tacos since I was little because every time I had family over at my house we would have a taco night which was rare because a lot of my family lives far away. I love the seasoning that goes on the ground beef and the cheese melting over top but I would definitely have to say that I much prefer soft taco shells over the crunchy ones. My least favourite taste is definetly onions. I can not stand the taste, smell, or texture of them and I have hated them for as long as I can remember. I think what made me really dislike them was when my dad made me eat a raw onion as a kid and told me it would be good. Every since then I can’t even cut up onions to put in a meal. Even when my parents chop them up super tiny and put them in something, if i know they’re there, I will not eat it.

  10. One of my favourite things to smell is old books! I absolutely love reading and cannot go a day without reading. However, new books don’t smell as good as old ones. I usually don’t read old books so when I do, it feels amazing to smell them! My least favourite smell has got to be smoke! Both of my parents are smokers so it is truly something that is unavoidable and daily in my life. I hate it because the smell sticks onto you so easily and is very annoying to remove. I don’t have a lot of memories about smelling old books because I only recently got into reading about 2 years ago! However, the smell of smoke has always been present in my life as I mentioned. I have a specific memory of going to many smoking areas with my mother and holding in my breath.

  11. One of my favourite tastes is water! I’m a Pepsi addict so I get tired of drinking it a lot of the time. When I drink water, it feels as though I’m cleansing myself of something dirty. My least favourite taste is sushi. Don’t get me wrong, I love rice and raw fish! However, I absolutely despise seaweed and also the smell of it as well. I have a bunch of memories of myself drinking water such as dancing for long periods of times and drinking the whole bottle! I also have a memory of me and my friends eating sushi and they said that I looked like I was dying, HA HA!

  12. My favourite taste would have to be the taste of an Indian dish known as “Dal Makhani” and a side of rice. Both the flavours go perfectly together and no matter who makes it, it ends up tasting good. My least favourite taste would be another Indian dish known as “Dal Palak”. Dals are lentils that are commonly used to cook with in Indian households. There are various kinds which explains my favourite and least favourite taste. Dal makhani brings back memories of my childhood. I would often go to my grandmas house and she would cook it for me knowing how much I love it. Even after moving to Canada, I have found restaurants that make up for missing my grandmas dal but nothing can beat it. Dal Palak is basically dal with spinach. I dislike spinach ALOT and this dish is really healthy to eat. My mom used to make this for me growing up every wednesday because in elementary school, that was the day I had no homework. It would take me hours and hours to finish and so I guess in a way it was nice of her to make it on that day. I havent had Dal Palak in around 2 years and I will not say I miss it! 🙂

  13. My favourite taste would have to be the “Mango slush with pearls” from bubble world, everytime I have it I feel like my taste buds have exploded. Especially when you just get handed the drink and the pearls are still a little bit warm with the syrup of the pearls sinking to the bottom… The first taste is just immaculate and there is no other way I could explain it.

    My least favourite taste is meat… specifically ground beef or anything grounded, or honestly any animal meat (except fish to a certain extent). The textures and the “beefy” aftertaste that I feel through my whole body when I eat ground beef makes me nauseous just thinking about it. I am not sure when the dislike began but it seems like I can’t shake the disgust I feel when I eat, see, or hear about ground beef.

    Mango slush with pearls reminds me of the late nights I spent and still spend studying for tests or anything I needed catching up. Usually my mom knows how to elimate any stress I have and usually that includes late night bubble tea runs to bubble world. Although I don’t belive this memorie is a reason for my dislike towards beef, in persian culture it is common to have “kabab” or ‘kebab’s’ and usually they are made on a hot flame which gives it its famous charred taste, but unfortunately hot flames are not too accessible, so most make a rendition of kebab’s just on normal pans. One time when I was watching my mom cook I could smell the “beefy” smell and i didn’t know why I hadn’t noticed it before so I decided to check it out. Unfortunately, that was bad timing on my side because as I looked into the pan a waft of humid ‘beefy’ smoke engulfed all of my senses (because beef is kind of juicy when you make it in a pan sometimes the “juice” escapes and if the pan is hot enough the hydration will rise) and here we are today :))).

    1. Mango slushes taste so damn good! It’s definitely one of my favourite “bubble tea”/slush flavours. The sweetness of the mango paired with the delicious and chewy pearls put it up there next to coffee and milk tea on my list of the best-tasting beverages.

  14. My favorite taste would be cotton candy because I love the sweet taste of cotton candy. I like both blue and pink cotton but personally I prefer blue just because I find it a bit sweeter. When I was little I used to get cotton candy everywhere I went that had it. I still do but not as much because I have come to realize that it’s just pure sugar so yeah I try to limit myself to it but every once in a while I love it as a nice treat.

  15. Interestingly enough, my favourite taste is actually water. While a lot of people buy a myriad of flavoured waters and sugary drinks to stay hydrated while avoiding the taste of plain water, I love it! I feel so incredibly invigorated whenever I drink water; I feel recuperated and revitalized. As someone who suffers from dry mouth, water is even more of a necessity for me to stay comfortable. It’s a plain taste, but I guess that’s why it never gets old!

    My least favourite taste is most definitely blood. About seven months ago I had all of my wisdom teeth removed and waking up after the procedure was awful. When I rose from the chair, my head was throbbing and spinning, and when I opened my mouth blood simply began pouring out. Blood from the incisions had completely filled my mouth and coated my tongue. Ever since that day, the taste of blood in my mouth makes me gag and feel super uncomfortable.

  16. For some reason, I love the taste of chicken noodle soup. I eat it any day for lunch that I can. The soup my mom makes is so good I convince her to make it every weekend before I go back to school. My least favorite taste would be mayonnaise. I find it gross to even look at. I can stand eating it, but if there is enough for me to taste I take it off what I’m eating. These tastes remind me of when I was younger. When I was little, I used to have soup at my grandparents’ house all the time. I would consider chicken noodle soup my all-time favorite thing to eat. Mayonnaise reminds me of when I used to eat sandwiches all the time. Now I can’t stand sandwiches.

  17. My favorite taste/food, would have to be sushi. It’s my favorite food and it reminds me of when me and my older sister would hang out and talk on my birthday while having sushi. When I eat sushi it just brings so many good memories of me and my dad having a good time at restaurants. It’s also the food I get for my birthday. It makes me very happy when I eat it. That’s why sushi is my favorite food.

  18. My favorite taste/food, would have to be sushi. It’s my favorite food and it reminds me of when me and my older sister would hang out and talk on my birthday while having sushi. When I eat sushi it just brings so many good memories of me and my dad having a good time at restaurants. It’s also the food I get for my birthday. It makes me very happy when I eat it. That’s why sushi is my favorite food.

    My least favorite taste would have to be cooked red peppers. I have never liked this food and it would just ruin any food you add it to in my opinion. I do in fact like red peppers raw, but hate them cooked with anything. I am in no way a picky eater but I hate red peppers. One reason I might not like this food is because my mom would add them to any food and I could not eat it because I did not like it.

  19. My favorite taste in the world is chocolate. I’ve loved it since I was a kid and still do. Today I ate a chocolate bar with almonds in it and yesterday I had kitkats. In Mexico I have chocolate often, I love chocolate in baked treats and in food. In Mexico I would always have sweet bread named concha’s with a glass of hot chocolate. Anytime I ate any baked goods I usually had it with hot chocolate. Either way, I don’t just love chocolate for the memories, I’m in love with the taste. It’s sweet, creamy and delicious.

    My least favorite taste is coconut oil. Wierdly I used to use this oil to cook a lot and I think I just got tired of the taste. I used to also toast bread, put melted coconut oil on it and season it. It tastes amazing, I used to love it as a quick snack but now I hate it. I believe I just used it too much until the point that I became tired of it. Nowadays, I use avocado oil to cook instead and I absolutely love it. It gives my food a nice flavour and it tastes better compared to using something like butter.

  20. My favourite taste is any type of food that is edible. Eating food creates a moment of silence since I would usually be really hungry. Being able to eat food satisfies me. It allows me to be focused on my work. My least favourite taste is soap. When you wash your face, and some soap residue goes into your mouth is very bad. When tasting soap, it feels like there are chemicals in my mouth. My favourite taste relates to my memories of eating good food with my friends as we would explore many restaurants and let our tastebuds explore different types of flavours. My least favourite taste relates to those moments when I wash my face or hair and the soap just goes into my mouth by accident which is horrible moment.

  21. My favorite taste is the taste of a big turkey dinner because it reminds me of spending time with my family! I do not like the taste of pineapple pizza because I have a phobia of puck and one time I puked after eating pineapple pizza.

  22. What is your favorite taste? Explain why.

    My favorite taste in the world is Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo. This has been my favorite food for as long as I can remember. From the long flat noodles to the creamy alfredo sauce and delicious chicken it has always been my ideal dinner. Although I enjoy this dish every time I eat it, the very best one in my opinion is served at Earls Kitchen.

    What is your least favorite taste? Explain why.

    My least favorite taste in the world is Tomatoes. I am not a very picky eater, but I have never been able to fully eat a Tomato. I don’t know why I’ve always been this way because when I was younger I despised other food too, but I got over most of them and can eat them now, but I have never stopped disliking tomatoes. I do like ketchup though because ketchup doesn’t have the same taste as tomatoes.

    How do these tastes relate to your memories?

    Chicken Fettucine Alfredo reminds me of my best friend Yasmine because we mutually share the love of pasta; therefore, we spend a lot of our paychecks at earls. This pasta also reminds me of my eleventh birthday because that was when I discovered they served it at Earls Kitchen. Secondly, Tomatoes remind me of my sister Karis because we both don’t like them, and when we were younger, we both refused to eat them on anything.

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