
Blog #1: Inquiry Project

My inquiry question for this semester is: How can mindfulness help us identify and manage our emotions?

I chose this topic because I think mindfulness is a crucial aspect of our lives. Being mindful is to be aware of what is happening in the present, and to experience the life that unfolds in front of you without judgement. Living in the society we are in, dealing with our complex relationships, and encountering difficult situations, I believe this is something the majority can work on. While many of us think negatively, live stressfully, and feel unmotivated, why don’t we practice mindfulness and help improve our own situations? More specifically, I want to discover how mindfulness can help us identify and manage our emotions. I chose this topic because as teenagers, emotions are an especially large part of our lives; thus, learning how to manage them using mindfulness can become very helpful. I hope that by learning about this topic, and practicing mindfulness in our lives, we can impact the way we feel, live, and how we view the world positively.

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  1. Hey Jade! This is an awesome topic. Mindfulness is such a useful tool that is not taught unless you go looking. As you said, life is filled with emotions that are sometimes hard to control or come to terms with. I personally do not know much about how mindfulness can help you in this way, but I am looking forward to learning all about it from your future posts. I love that you mentioned how it can change our negative outlooks on life because I too think this is very important. Good job introducing your subject I searched for some links you might like to use later. Best of luck!

    Chantal M

  2. Hi Jade, your topic is so fascinating, I look forward to reading more about it. I couldn’t agree more with what you have said about mindfulness, since this can help you decrease emotional reactivity by regulating your emotions. Furthermore, it allows you to develop your observational skills.
    You may find the following links helpful in your research
    Good luck 🙂

  3. Hello jade,
    Your topic for your project seems very interesting. I wonder how much being mindful can impact someone’s day to day life? Maybe in your project you could address various ways of being mindful ? I look forward to reading more about this topic !

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