
Blog #5

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert?
On my last blog, I researched and answered some common questions. They were specific questions, but for this blog, I’ll be answering the main question; which of the two is more beneficial in life? My last research proved both introverts and extroverts have their pros and cons to the answer to my questions.

The advantages of introverts:
They’re good listeners, think before they speak, observant, make quality friends, make loving romantic partners, thoughtful networkers, and compassionate listeners.  (1)
Introverts have an advantage in creativity, academic performance, health, business success, and leadership. Introverts tend to be more comfortable spending time alone, which incubates creativity. Introverts excel in academic environments. Introverts tend to think before speaking or acting, they are less prone to impulsive behavior and the kinds of accidents that can result. A focus on internal rather than external cues may curtail overeating. And being tuned in to the need to recharge, introverts tend to get more sleep than extroverts. Introverts also may excel at communicating via social media, top skill in today’s world of influencers and connection. Introverts are more likely to be effective leaders in organizations that encourage workers to contribute ideas. Introverts’ listening skills may draw top results from their teams. (2)
The disadvantages of introverts:
Verbal communication skills are not as strong, introverts tend to take more time to process what they are going to say, so they aren’t as prepared to express themselves verbally on the spot, whether in meetings, interviews, or even casual conversation. Introverts often live inside their heads and worry over speaking, so if they’re constantly thinking about responding and editing their thoughts and answers, then the conversation doesn’t flow freely. Introverts are misunderstood and misjudged, there are a set of social customs that people are expected to follow, even though the way people interact is not one size fits all. When a person tends to keep to themself more, they can also be perceived as rude or misunderstood altogether. This includes first impressions that many introverts make that probably doesn’t capture who they are as a person. The reality is that they are in their heads too much or don’t know how to respond or act because the interaction in itself brings discomfort. They often won’t speak at all, making people think of any number of things, such as they have nothing to say or they’re not smart. They are penalized at school or work, this can be an opportunity to face fears but being penalized for not having a certain disposition isn’t right or effective. It can lead to feelings of shame on top of the already uncomfortable class situation. People want to fix them, similarly to docking points for lack of class participation, it is clear that introversion is seen as a problem. Exterior image equates to value today, as a society, we view that which is projected externally to speak to our value or success. This includes things such as a lot of likes, follows, and engagement on social media. Social events are uncomfortable, The ones who can go strike up a conversation will be rewarded with opportunity compared to the ones who didn’t try. Introverts look to blend in with the crowd and not draw unwanted overstimulating attention. It’s harder to make friends, since communication, specifically verbally, is more challenging in general for introverts, it’s obvious they would have difficulty making friends. (3)

The advantages of extroverts:
Extroverts are more motivated by rewards, stay positive, good communicators, and perform better on the job. (4)
Extroverts are wired for enthusiasm. Research has found that extroverts are more likely to associate pleasurable feelings with their current environment, according to one analysis of neurological differences between introverts and extroverts. They are more likely to be a leader. Research has found that most leaders self-identify as extroverts. They are great in groups, large rooms and often have no problem building rapport with anyone. They’re anti-boring. Extroverts are great at pulling out the best from people, conversation, energy, and confidence. They are also more likely to have lots of interesting adventures, fun activities, and socializing in your calendar which gives lots to talk about. (5)
The disadvantages of extroverts:
They can make a person offensive or annoying unknowingly, breed a lack of self-awareness, and makes a person say or do things that they should not. (6)
It is hard to be alone. Many extroverts prefer talking to someone for support when faced with hardships, whereas many introverts may choose to handle their problems on their own. The issue with the extrovert approach is that there may not always be someone available to help, meaning sometimes it is necessary to deal with problems internally. This is often seen as a challenge for extroverts because we rely on others. They are easily bored. Because most of us extroverts are “doers,” downtime is often seen as a challenge. Extroverts like to stay stimulated, and therefore get bored easily when alone or when lacking a “task.” It can even be hard to stay focused on just one task because we feel like we always need to be doing more. Needless to say, it can be hard to relax. It is difficult to connect to introverts. Extroverts and introverts see the world in slightly different ways. For many extroverts, it is hard to understand why introverts act the way they do, and vice versa. It is a common mistake for extroverts to assume all introverts are shy, simply because they do not rely on interaction with others in the way that we extroverts do. The gap between the levels of dependence on social interaction creates a lack of connection. (7)

So… is being an introvert or extrovert better? The percentage of introverts and extroverts is about 50% each. Both introverts and extroverts have their advantages and disadvantages. There is no better or worse one, we are all unique people. Thank you for reading!


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  1. Hi Kiara,
    your fifth blog post was so interesting to read about and I definitely learned many new facts. For the longest time, I had thought extroverts were better than introverts, but after reading your post, I realized that there are so many advantages and disadvantages to the two different types of people. One thing I would suggest is that for next time, maybe try giving examples of an introvert and an extrovert in each situation. This will give the readers a much better insight as to what you mean.
    Hope this helps!

  2. Hey Kiara,
    I’m glad that you talked about how introverts are seen as a problem. I think exploring the idea of introverts that appear to be extroverts or vice versa would be an interesting perspective on this topic. I also suggest spacing out each section into smaller paragraphs, as it would be easier to read. Hope you find this helpful!
    -Aleah V.

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