My name is Beth and I am 16 years old. I go to school at Ndururumo high school. I am in form three. My best subject is History and Kiswahili. I live in Ngobit. I am gifted in singing. I am also very good at making new friends. My greatest fear is seeing a snake near me.
According to me, a community is a group of people living in an area and share resources. In my community as a girl, I am expected to be obedient, respectful and live according to my culture. If I were to solve a global problem, I would change the way Kenyans think about different tribes. There have been constant fights in our country which have led to many people dying. All of these death occur when different tribes start fighting because of politics. If I had the chance, I would ask Kenyans to leave behind their tribal difference and live like brother and sister.