
About Me – Victor Tenea

Hey Social Responsibility! Welcome to all new and returning students! It was great seeing a few familiar faces last Friday and a decent amount of new ones. My name is Victor Tenea and I live in Coquitlam. This is my third year in Social Responsibility/Butterfly Effect here at Dr. Charles Best Secondary and I am in grade eleven. My favourite subject so far for this school year is Chemistry, but we will see if that will change.

One thing about me that might surprise people is my age. It seems like wherever I go, whether it be at work, school, by myself in public, or with my friends in public, everyone seems to think that I am significantly older than I actually am. As I mentioned in my first paragraph, I am only in grade eleven and am sixteen years old. Yet, for whatever reason, people never seem to believe that. I’ve gotten guesses of eighteen, nineteen, and even twenty! To be honest, I don’t really see it, but most people seemingly do.

I find that my strongest trait is my ability to easily create friendships. When I was younger I found myself to be an incredibly shy and reserved individual, but nowadays that has completely changed. When I walk into any new group of people, whether that be at school, work, or just in public, I can easily start conversations and make connections with the vast majority of the individuals in that group. This allows me to create common grounds between me and the group members and helps me construct an environment where everyone feels included and accepted.

If I could solve any local or global problem, it would be climate change. In my opinion, there is no bigger issue plaguing our modern world than the destruction of the environment caused by us humans. While you could argue that there are issues that are presently affecting more people, climate change is not only a standalone issue. If we take another global problem, lack of access to food, for example, climate change will only serve to exacerbate the effects of it. Forest fires, flooding, insect outbreaks, you name it. If you don’t think that climate change is our generation’s most pressing issue, you are badly mistaken.

After that stressful paragraph, I think it would be a great idea to talk about something more toned down. To relax, I really enjoy watching YouTube, reading novels, and playing video games. I was recently able to purchase a Sony PlayStation 5, so that is something I really enjoy using. On the subject of reading, a genre I love reading from is adult fantasy. No, adult fantasy doesn’t mean that I’m reading porn, it just means that a lot of the content presented contains mature topics. This can include sex but also includes violence, and the mature ways the characters act. My favourite book series from this genre is “A Song of Ice and Fire”, the books that the TV show “Game of Thrones” is based on.

I am so excited to be back working with Butterfly Effect and am looking forward to getting to know as many of you as I can! If you’re new to Social Responsibility, welcome, and if you’re a returning student, welcome back! I am delighted that I will be able to read your posts in the near future.

As a final note, the Butterfly Effect prong that I am most interested in is Inquiry, as I love to learn new things and expand my knowledge base on topics I am interested in. 🙂

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