
Project Plan: Why can some people hold their breath longer than others?

Question: Why can some people hold their breath longer than others?

Why I am interested in this topic: It is because I want to know if we can stay without breathing or also train our bodies to hold breath. I think the respiratory system is interesting because we have to use gases to run our body and I’m curious about how our body knows how to get the gases and how to use them.

Round 1. How do you get oxygen to your cells?

Haemoglobin - YouTube

Round 2. Why do we need oxygen in our cells?


 Every breath you take: the process of breathing explained | Nursing Times

3. How can we train ourselves to be able to hold our breath longer?  


Monk Holds Breath and Meditates Next to Underwater Temple | Jukin Media Inc

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  1. Hi Peter,
    Interesting topic you there! It is a very popular question and I am eager to keep up with your upcoming posts as I am interested to know how some swimmers can hold their breath longer. I always thought it’s because of practice, but now with your research, the answer can change.
    – I see that you will be doing research on “Why do we need oxygen in our cells?” will you also be doing research on different cells that need oxygen and why?

    -Lokshana 🙂

  2. Hello Peter,
    This is an extraordinarily exciting topic. I’m very interested to learn about what holding our breath does and also how our respiratory system works. I’ve seen someone’s strategy of breathing in more than you breath out and it will give you a longer time without air.

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