
Blog Post #2 – Project Plan – Is Sleep Really that Important?

The steps I am planning to take in my inquiry project:

First Post: Negative Effects of Sleeping Late and Having a Lack of Sleep

What happens to your body if you don’t sleep for a whole day?

  • What happens to your brain?
  • What happens to your mood?
  • Can you get sleep disorders from missing sleep constantly?

What are the long term effects if you sleep late everyday?

  • What happens to your brain?
  • What happens to your mood?
  • Can you get sleep disorders from sleeping late constantly?

Which has worse or more side-effects: not sleeping for a couple of days, or constantly sleeping late?

  • Contrast first and second paragraph, which has more or worse side-effects?
  • Are there any permanent effects from sleeping late or not sleeping?

Five Sources I might use:



Second Post: The Benefits of Sleeping

  • What happens to our bodies when we sleep?
  • What can sleeping be beneficial for?
  • What benefits can our bodies gain after we get a full-night’s rest?

Five sources I might use:



Third Post: Examples of Sleep Disorders That May Cause or Lead to a Lack of Sleep

Sleep Deprivation:

  • What is sleep deprivation?
  • What are the causes of sleep deprivation?
  • What are the effects of having sleep deprivation?
  • How do you treat sleep deprivation?
  • How do you prevent sleep deprivation?


  • What is insomnia?
  • What are the causes of insomnia?
  • What are the effects of having insomnia?
  • How do you treat insomnia?
  • How do you prevent insomnia?

Five sources I might use:



My question for this project is: Is Sleep Really that Important?

Once I do more research on this project and find out all about the negative effects of not sleeping enough and sleeping late, and all of the benefits of sleeping enough and early, then maybe that can boost motivation for people to sleep earlier and more. I also wish to inform everyone on how sleep can actually be important, an essential for your well-being. When everyone starts sleeping earlier, then focus will be gained, and everyone will have a happier, healthier lifestyle in general.



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  1. Karen,
    I really like how you went into details of questions you have on your topic of research for that specific round! I am quite curious what you will find! I am looking forward to your future posts!
    Here are some websites I found that you may find helpful:


    Importance of sleep:,diabetes%2C%20stroke%2C%20and%20obesity.


    Best of luck!

  2. Hi Karen,
    This is very detailed and I look forward to how everything comes together! I think sleep is really important. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. I always try to get 7 hours of sleep everyday. I look forward to reading your posts!
    good luck!
    – ronnie

  3. Hi Karen,
    I think your inquiry question is essential, especially considering that about only 25% of Canadian adults get a sufficient amount of sleep and over 70% of teenagers don’t get enough! Are you planning to talk about how someone can maybe improve their sleep?
    Here are some links that might help:
    Great start! I’m looking forward to reading future posts!

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