
Banice Mwangi – About me

My Name is Banice Wanjiru Mwangi,22 years old,5’1″.
Currently i’m pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Education Arts at Chuka University in Kenya.
Theatre arts and Acting in general fascinates me.
I am selectively social or outgoing.

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  1. Hello Banice!
    Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself!
    Wow, that is great that you are pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Education Arts! May I ask what made you decide to study for an Education Arts Bachelor? 🙂

  2. Dearest Banice,

    I hope all is well with you during this time. Your post is wonderfully written, and I congratulate you on your achievements in pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Education Arts at Chuka University in Kenya! I have two questions for you:

    1. Do you practice your theatre and acting skills with your family or friends?
    2. What is your favourite meal and why?

    I look forward to your future blog posts, wonderful work – you are a very interesting individual with an array of interests.

    Warm Regards,


  3. Hey Banice,
    First of all, congratulations on your achievements and pursuing a Bachelor’s degree!
    I have a few questions,
    Why of all arts did you choose to study Education Arts?
    You mentioned that you’re interested in acting and theatre, have you thought about pursuing an acting career? In films or theatre?
    What’s your favourite movie?
    Good luck I look forward to all your posts!

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