
Blog #5- Does the Law Affect Our Morality?

Does the Law affect our morality?

Law and Morality | a pakistani notebook

In my previous posts, I’ve described the basics of law and morality, as well as shown daily examples of how it does affect each other on a daily basis. Here, in my final round of research, I’ll be discussing to what extent does law affect our morality, does it affect each other at all. Laws are universal, define and precise, while morality is variable. [1] Law increase the quality of life and make surviving more comfortable for us. Law does not always reflect morality. What is “legal” and “illegal” doesn’t translate what’s right or wrong. It is taught from a young age that murder, the killing of oneself, is wrong, bad and evil. [2] Sometimes if something is legal, it is not always moral, in fact, there are many things in which this is true. For example, if someone wants an abortion, they have a right to because it is legal. However, this doesn’t mean it is the right or moral thing to do. We have the pro-lifers stating it’s immoral to do so, as well as the pro-choicers stating it is moral. It depends upon the individual’s values and opinions of whether or not it is right. Another example, if somebody morally thinks it is okay to steal from other people because their moral values are low, does not make it legal.

Brandon Bernard Executed for 1999 Double-Murder | PEOPLE.comBut take a look at the Brandon Bernard case that happened just recently. Bernard was convicted along with his fellow gang members in Texas for the murder of Stacie and Todd Bagley, in 1999. The gunman, Christopher Vialva was executed in September.[3] Bernard was only an accomplice, who if didn’t participate would most likely be shot dead by Vialva. During his 21 years in prison, and moments before he was executed on December 10th 2020, he said he had been wanting to apologize to the family of the Bagleys and his own family for the pain he caused.

“I’m sorry … I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t,”  “That’s the only words that I can say that completely capture how I feel now and how I felt that day.”

Bernard said to the family of the Bagleys during his three-minute last word. He shows clear signs of transformative rehabilitation in such a young person and where he is contributing to the well-being of his daughter and family. Everyone deserves a second chance. He was the youngest person in the US to receive a death sentence in nearly 70 years for a crime committed when he was just a young adult. [3] Federal execution is legal, but first-degree murder is considered unlawful, deserves to be punished. Because something is legal does not make it moral. In my opinion, sentencing someone to death is immoral because it allows law to choose who deserves to die and lawfully kill in the name of justice. Death sentences are usually given in response to murder. This enables the “eye for an eye” ideology, and it allows for murder to be acceptable in certain circumstances when it should not be acceptable at all. Also, if the idea is to truly impose a harsh punishment that will equal the amount of suffering the criminal inflicted, then allowing them to live a life in solitude with no hope of freedom would amount to much more than death. In my eyes, law does not necessarily affect our morality.

Morality is not black and white, even though our laws try to paint it as such. [4] What do you guys think? Do you think law affect our morality? Comment and let me know!

How should we balance morality and the law? - Baylor College of Medicine Blog Network




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  1. Hi Ronnie,

    Great job on your project! I followed your work throughout the weeks and you made something great. To answer your question, I think law and morality are dependant on each other so yes law does affect our morality maybe even the other way around!

  2. Hey Ronnie! I really enjoyed reading your post. To do as Shieva did, my answer to your question is this: I think that the law absolutely affects our morality. In truth, I think the vast majority of what we think is right and what is wrong is based off of what is deemed legal and illegal in the law. I believe that many of us might have never come to conclusions, such as thinking that jaywalking is bad for example, on our own without being taught so by the law. I can’t wait to read your future posts!

  3. Hi I loved reading your post, it was very informative. I believe that the law absolutely effects our morality, people have an idea of what things should be and put this into laws, who decides this and what are the qualification for this. The law used this to tell people what is right and wrong! A lot of it is brought into a safety factor though. I enjoyed your post and hope to see the next one!

  4. Hi Ronnie,
    Firstly, I really enjoyed reading your round of researches. they were very informative and made me think a lot about your question.

    Personally, I do believe that law affects our morality and then again the legal and illegals situation completely on the perspective of others. Laws do keep our society safe and comfortable, but also create questions about whether it is moral or inmoral.

    Can’t wait to read more of your upcoming posts,
    Lokshana 🙂

  5. Hi Ronnie,

    You have done an excellent job at describing the basics of law and morality, as well as shown daily examples of how it does affect each other on a daily basis! I do appreciate the everyday examples, very informative.



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