
Post #2: Project Plan – Should humans and technology be combined?

Should humans and technology be combined?

My first round of research will consist of research about the mechanics behind the current plan to merge the mind of humans and technology. This includes research about how this kind of creation may affect the human brain and what possible errors or health problems may arise. I also plan to research into the persistence of memory and how our brain functions to sustain memory as a key component of the technology of merging humans and artificial intelligence is to have a visually constructed recording of our recollections. This will help me address my question as it will assist my understanding of the health implications of this technology, what it may aim to do and if it is an increasing necessity. My second round of research will further investigate how technology has helped the function of the human body. This may include research into electric prosthetics and analysis into the results, benefits, and complications of that. Additionally, I plan to investigate the ethics behind the combination of humans and artificial minds or components and what that would mean for the future of technology. In my third round of research, I hope to discuss the predictions and predicaments relating to this topic and further analyze how exactly a creation like this if made successfully, will change the way of life.

5 valid resources:

Ciaccia, C. (2017, September 5). Elon Musk thinks artificial intelligence could cause World War III. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

How Memory Works. (2017). Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

Martins, N., Angelica, A., Chakravarthy, K., Svidinenko, Y., Boehm, F., Opris, I., . . . Freitas, R. (2019, January 30). Human Brain/Cloud Interface. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

Memory Storage: Memory Processes In The Human Brain. (2020, September 07). Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

Schneider, S. (2020, April 08). Mind design: Could you merge with artificial intelligence? Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

Young, C. (Director). (2015, September 24). How memories form and how we lose them – Catharine Young [Video file]. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from


This question will have implications for any individual and can have a large impact on several communities as the creation of this form of technology may change everything from the system of education to the system of our government or perhaps even aspects of our own personal relationships. It is important to question what is being done by authority figures and for what purposes, as to some scale or degree, common people are the individuals that will either benefit or face the consequences of numerous creations or decisions. Benefits may include accessibility to education or perhaps the possibility that the common system of education used today may no longer be needed. Meaning that, if the creation of a memory chip in the brain were to be successful, perhaps formal education may not be necessary, as the mind could potentially work as a computer processor, pulling up information when needed instantaneously. For example, a student who is studying the digestive system in biology would simply have to look at the materials necessary and their minds would film the information to be stored in the chips in their brains. This is similar to the internet where everything we do online is essentially stored. This would impact every-day communities as it impacts methods of learning or retaining information, which would, in turn, impact the whole globe. Implications like this may equally cause a large division in perspectives and beliefs leading to a widely disconnected economy and society. Converging the mind with AI could also potentially facilitate the lives of those with mental disorders or illnesses. For example, patients with Alzheimer’s may have a digital archive of their lives in their brains that would allow them to retain a memory or perhaps prevent brain cells from deteriorating depending on the extent of this new technology’s power and capabilities. This would have a large global impact as it is estimated that at least 50 million people worldwide are believed to be living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias.

Consequently, people have not historically been known to use resources available merely for the potential good attributed to it and depending on how widespread these innovations become, it may give creation to unmatched weaponry or power. Perhaps it could lead to the ability to control someone’s emotions or thoughts if this chip is wrongfully programmed. This would then lead to questions of ethics and a new formation of laws as it would start a new chapter in the technological power of humanity. There is a lot of room for errors and small mistakes that would affect the whole world. Technology started to slowly integrate itself into society for the past few decades and has successfully implemented itself as a daily fixture in the daily lives of many individuals all over the world. Scientists and programmers have equally been making advancements into modern technology for several years and the merging of humans and technology could have the largest impact on a continually expanding industry. It may open new advancements in technology and other aspects such as health, that we never thought was possible. On a global level, the notion of using the undisputed intellectual power of the human mind combined with the manufactured strength of every human objective and ability could very much change how we perceive emotion, free-will and even ourselves.

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  1. Hello Raseekachchakaduge,
    This was the most interesting topic I saw yet. I like the idea and the information you included. You mentioned how the educational systems would change and your memory would be stored in a computer disk. I think the idea is fascinating but replacing your brain would be scary. This would be very cool and convenient for remembering all the new information you learned. This is a very interesting topic keep it up!

  2. Hi,
    Very good question! Ideas like these are almost science-fiction, and it’s strange to think that they are becoming reality. Personally, I find it interesting that the future of medicine will change because of this. Nice work!

  3. Hello Rasee! I really enjoyed reading your post and seeing how your research will unfold. I am incredibly interested in the topic as a whole of course, but I am especially interested in the topic of if humans and technology are combined, who will possess that technology? What will be its price? Will only the rich and powerful have access to it? I cannot wait to read more!

  4. Hello Rasee,

    I find your question fascinating! Just because we could possibly combine humans and technology, should we? I think that opinions could be split because it’s a type of advantage that isn’t directly natural and is a new concept, but I also think when you have the resources, you should use them. Do you think this should only be allowed if the technology aides someone with a disability or do you think it should be meant for wealthier people? I’m excited to see what you do with your project this year!

    Here are some hopefully helpful links:

    Good luck!

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