
Action Post #5

Hi everyone!

In my last post, I showed you how I have planted some seeds, and I wanted to show you the plant’s progress so far! Since my last post I have been watering the plants everyday and caring for them, and I have even had some sprouts since my last post! Right now it is a waiting game until I can move the plants out of the egg cartons and into the ground/pots. So far, my cilantro, lettuce, green onions and tomatoes have sprouted!

I would say that my successes have been the growth of these plants! I have been caring for them lots and they are growing quite nicely. I would say the only challenge right now is getting the peppers and cucumber to sprout… if anyone has any organic suggestions, please comment them! That would be much appreciated. I am not sure if it is because it isn’t the right climate for them or if it is due to something else, but right now I will continue to water them and research what I can do while I hope for the best.

In my next post, I will be updating you on the growth of my plants, and hopefully moving some into the ground!

Again, please leave comments for suggestions on how I can get my other plants to sprout, as well as just gardening tips in general – make sure they are organic!


Until my next post.

Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

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