
joseph mungai

My name is joseph mungai am 19 years old am Kenyan by nationality. I live in Laikipia Nanyuki. I school in Tigithi boys high school in Laikipia county. I am in grade 11. What I can say about the school is that its good school teachers are friendly they do help us a lot with our school work and I really appreciate them so much. my best subject is Biology and Agriculture. the reason why I like biology is that I am very interested in knowing how the human body functions. In Agriculture, I like it because it helps me know different methods of farming I major mostly in livestock farming. my passion is listening to music eg hip-hop, dancehall, and Rnbs. My gift is preaching I like it so much. I am a pamoja scholarship student. I would like to take this chance and thank the pamoja group for sponsoring my education it has changed my life. may God bless you so much and may you never lack. in the community am a Kikuyu. Our culture major culture of Kikuyu is circumcision. we are against of my dream job is the law. I would like to fight for those who can afford to hire lawyers. I reason I have joined the butterfly effect is to know more about people and the world.what I do to relax is taking a of my hero is Barack Obama because he was the first black American president. He also said that everything is possible.  I hope to have a  good time in butterfly effects. together we can achieve much. thank you for your time

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  1. Hi Joseph!

    One of my favorite subjects is biology too. I found it very interesting that you have an Agriculture class, as we don’t have one here. Recently, I’ve been trying to grow my own fruits and vegetables, but it’s so much harder than I imagined. Different kinds of plants need to grow in specific conditions, and I think it would be very interesting to learn about that.

    I love that you mentioned Barack Obama, because he did make history as the first black American president, which ment a lot to many Americans, especially the African-American community.

    I look forward to reading your future posts,
    Jasmine P

    1. i think that agriculture should be introduced in your schooll. its really help to know how we can grow diffrent types of crops or what do you think about that.

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