
2nd Inquiry Research Round #2 – Giulia Bianchi

 How can you become an author and what does it take to be one?

In this round of research, I said I’d look into some successful writers and what their stories were to get themselves started. However, I realized that this is kind of brief and unspecified. I decided to look at the comments and would then look more into the schooling based parts of becoming a writer, since the other post was also a bit lacking with descriptions. Moving on, since the main focus is creative writing, I’ll be looking more directly towards that specific category.

A degree was what was prompted, therefore; I’ll be checking what the reccomended ones offer. A master’s degree is optional, though I’d also like to see what those can benefit as well.

Non Masters Degrees/Certificates:

Certificate Writing: Getting a certificate in writing is more short-term based than long term. It offers basic skills in different areas, though it is more of a shallow approach. With a certificate, you’ll be taught different styles of writing, some skills that should be grasped, along with how to reach out to mixed audiences.

Bachelor’s Degree: A bachelor’s degree is a 4 year path, which gives both general work and what you’ve narrowed your choices down to. You can the common routes of English Literature, Creative Writing, and English Composition. Although, based on preferences, Creative Writing and English Literature would be the preferred choices, since English Composition is based at a different style of writing. English Literature treads into both the study of literature, along with exposure to fiction, informational writing, etc. Creative Writing is self explanatory, but it does cover several different styles: fiction, non-fiction, scriptwrtiting, etc. These are meant to set you up towards becoming a published author. (1)

Masters Degrees/Certificates:

Master of Arts (Creative Writing): In this masters degree, it is similar to the Bachelor’s Degree in some ways. It will focus on your path choice, while also giving you that of: literary theory and skills that aren’t as directly aimed at your aspired choice. With this degree, you can go on to become an author or even forms of a journalist.

Master of Fine Arts (Creative Writing): Master of Fine Arts goes through another similar process as Master of Arts. However, there is a narrowed focus on your creative writing skills. It also seems to go into more emphasis with theory. (1)

There is also the option of going for a doctorate degree, though that seems to be more advanced. If you wanted to become an educator, this would be the degree to get.

Other Options:

The education needed for this is great and all, but where in the world are you supposed to go to get them? That’s when I realized that I should look into the schools that offer these programs. What schools nearby offer these? Well I found that SFU has a writer’s studio which is specified for creative writing, though there is others to pursue. If one is to complete this course, they will be granted with a Creative Writing Certificate. This requires a total of 141 hours. (2) (3)

Another university which is fairly well known is Emily Carr. They also have a writing center, along with obviously being an art school. There are several options with art here, and ways to get a Masters Degree in Fine Arts. (4) (5)

The third school I found was UBC, which also well known. It can get you a degree in Master of Fine Arts as well. There is less focus on the English literature, and more towards the fine arts portion of it. There is 12 different genres available here. (6) (7)




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  1. Hi Giulia,

    Great post! Fantastic organization and attention to detail. I also love that the topic you are researching on is personal to yourself and could ultimately help you in the future if this is the career path you plan on following – it’s always a great idea to know in advance what steps you need to take to achieve your dream! Perhaps you could weigh out the pros and cons of getting education or not – is it easier one way than it is the other? You could also potentially look into the university costs and explain how the route may be different for those who can’t afford a post secondary education and how their path would vary, circling back to your question of “what does it take to be an author”? Could financial struggle add chaos to the path to become an author? There are so many different paths, and talent plays a great role in them. It’s a very interesting topic!

    Here are some links that could help with your research:
    I look forward to your future posts!
    Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

  2. Hi Giulia,

    So you now know what it takes to become a writer regarding education and skills (your last post). I know that your last round of research is going to be about different types of books and assuming that means what you need to write those specific types of books, but I think that you should also look into what you would need to be a successful writer because without that you wouldn’t be making a living. Which is why I think your original question for this round of research made a lot of sense because if you could see what made authors successful, you could apply that to what you should do after getting your education. You could also look at what education those authors went through. That may make that decision easier.

    Here are some (hopefully) helpful links

    Good luck!

    Shieva Mokhtarnameh

  3. Hi Giulia,
    I still find your inquiry posts so interesting and informative. I like how you organized your post. With the bold headers and short paragraphs, it was very easy to navigate your research. I think you should carry your idea to look into the stories of successful writers into your last post. Just a couple stories to add to your other points, because I think they could be really interesting and insightful. It could be interesting to research the likelihood of being a successful author. How available a career path is it, and what routes could make it more reliable, (ie. just starting to write and publish novels will leave you unemployed for a long time unless you do something on the side, but if you worked as a screenwriter or had a consistent job publishing short stories on a news website etc. you would be more financially stable).
    The fact that Emily Carr has a writing program is also really cool. I always assumed that it was just for visual arts.
    But anyway, I’m super excited to read your final research round, and until then, here are some possibly helpful sources for you:

  4. Hi Giulia,
    I read your final round of research and I was so fascinated by it that I decided I would go back and read your previous posts. I don’t regret it! Your research is very informative and gives a clear insight into what is required to be a writer. This subject and post interests me a lot because I hope to maybe follow one of the paths that you’ve listed above one day. Even though you have completed all your posts at this point, I thought you might be interested in this inspiring Ted Talk about the writing aspirations of a girl in high school:
    Great job, your research was very enjoyable to read!

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