
Action Post Step 3 (2/3)

Hello everyone!

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Since my last post I have done a lot of work on my action project, mainly just by going around asking for donations and buying products myself to go towards my project. To summarize what I have done since my last post, I took the winter break as an opportunity to connect with family, friends and others if they would like to donate anything that they may have around the house that could go towards care packages for the homeless. To my surprise, I actually had a huge reaction and received so many generous donations from family, friends and classmates! In fact, I think overall I personally only spent around $15 for extra hygiene products that were missing from the bunch, the rest was provided by others! I now have all of my items together to be donated, and that is what has happened since I last posted.

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Moving forward i am hoping to finish off this project fairly soon, the last step being the actual donating of the objects and then the summary afterwards. As to where I am donating the items, I am thinking about donating to Lookout Housing + Health Society in New Westminster ( , seeing as how a lot of the donation drop offs near us are specifically gearing towards used clothing, not so much hygiene products. I am hoping to be able to go there sometime early next week (they reopen Monday) so that I can wrap this project up fairly quickly.

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Overall, so far in this project I have had a great experience. Not only have I learned a lot about poverty and ways to help, but I have also been able to give friends, family and my classmates the opportunity to help out by donating as well. In my next post I will talk about the donation process itself, followed by an overview of the entirety of my project.

Until my next post!

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  1. Hello jessica I have gone through your post and I have learned quite a lot on poverty and how we can help to reduce poverty by donating to the poor and still by helping those people in need.Its quite a great topic and I may wish you all the best as you continue with the research great work.Bye.

    1. Hi Dennis,

      Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad I have been able to help you learn more about the topic of poverty.

      Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

  2. Hey Jessica,

    It’s really great how you were able to budget all of this! You’re onto the best part of the project now (getting to see how your work impacts the people you wanted to help)!

    I’m looking forward to see the results:)


    1. Hi Shieva,

      Yes, I am glad budgeting worked out in the end! I have been having some difficulty finding places that accept hygiene products for the homeless though, most shelters only accept clothing. I have found a couple but it has been difficult trying to meet with them due to their limited hours and the weather issues at the time. I will keep working on it though! Haha. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out in the end as well.

      Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

  3. Hi Jessica,

    I think it is really passionate of you to take initiative over the winter break. it was also very nice how you started making an impact on others and got them involved with this cause as well. I volunteer with the Salvation Army and it is very true that hygiene products are not donated as often. You could also look into volunteering with shelters and food drives! Keep up with the good work!


    1. Hi Grace,

      Thank you! Yes, I am glad that I was able to give others the opportunity to help out as well. It has been difficult to find places that accept items other than clothing, but I will continue searching! I have found a couple more shelters that could work. Excited to see the outcome!

      Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

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