

Hi everyone, my name is Benito,this is actually my first post and i’m very privileged to be part of Butterfly.On my research, am going to work on Wildlife Conservation e.g The dangers facing our wild animals( poaching,diseases) and such.Am also going to look on the other side of Wildlife,(what development it gives in return,its importance)


                     wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rain forests, plains, grasslands, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human activities.

                Wildlife conservation refers to the well-planned practice of ensuring protection for wild animal species, their habitats, and plants. More or less, the truth about wildlife is that our future generations should be allowed to enjoy the Mother Nature while recognizing the unshaken importance of wildlife towards our well being and surroundings.

♦Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the environment . Wildlife provides a stability to different processes of the nature . Wildlife and nature have been largely associated with humans for emotional and social reasons . The importance of wildlife can be categorized as ecological , economic and investigatory importance as well as conservation of biological diversities etc . Animals have also been highly useful to us in providing food , clothing and source of income . Our life is almost impossible without the support of wildlife .We are also a part of wildlife to make ecological balance on earth. It plays a very crucial role in our life .


  1. Economic importance ⇒  The wild life can be used to earn money. Wild plant products like food, medicine(a belief of some people), timber, fibers, etc. are of economic value and the wild animal products such as meat, medicines, hide, ivory, lac, silk, etc. are of tremendous economic value. Wildlife provides us the raw and basic material to start any industry , factory etc for our earnings . Wildlife is also considered to be the one of the greatest factor for increase and better development of word trade and increase in national income. It also helps the farmers the most by providing a better way in ploughing and other techniques .Therefore, wildlife is of immense value to all in economic development . Since wildlife is the source of income to many they play a vital role in their life as the economic factor. By this economic importance we don’t just gain but we a also lose.This is because people get the greed of money hence encouraging poaching which is the  main fuel of extinction to many wild animals e.g the Northern white Rhino, The Spix Macow,The Thylacine, Passenger Pegion, Zanzibar Leopard etc.
  2.  Ecological importance ⇒ Wildlife helps in maintaining the ecological balance of nature. Killing of carnivores leads to an increase in the number of herbivores which in turn affect the forest vegetation, thus due to lack of food in the forest they come out from the forest to agriculture land and destroy our crops. This makes us know that wildlife helps in maintaining ecological balance even by being predators of each other . Animals are great predators which is the major reason for ecological development . Therefore, once the equilibrium and stability is disturbed it leads to many problems .
  3. Investigatory importance ⇒ Some wild organisms are used for scientific experiments such as to test effect of medicine. Generally monkey, chimpanzee, etc. are used for scientific experiments. Also animals like rats are first used to do experiments and test before trying them on humans because rats have somewhat same nature and body design that supports scientific experiments . No doubt wildlife supports scientific researches a lot .
  4. Conservation of biological diversities ⇒ By conserving wildlife, diversity in the environment can be conserved. According to some scientists an ecosystem with more diversity is more stable .
  5. Importance in agriculture ⇒ Wild organisms are very important for modern agriculture. Importance of wildlife in agriculture field are as follows :

    1. Production of new hybrid variety using wild plants .

    2. Production of better hybrid variety of animals used for agriculture using wild animals .

    3. New species of plants and animals can be produced by them .

    Wildlife plays a very important role in agricultural development because wild animals like buffaloes etc help in ploughing or tilling of soil(e.g in Philippines ) etc Also many microorganisms and smalls animals like reptiles also help in increasing the fertility of soil and providing a good base for agricultural activities .Micro Organism are said to be the friends of farmers for example earthworm losses the soil and help in decomposition of dead remains and then add nutrients to the soil. This increases soil’s fertility.

    Ploughing with a buffalo in Philippines 

One of the three winning photos from the Women and Agricultural Biodiversity Photo Contest. While visiting a friend in the Sitio Damog area, Barangay Sumilihon, Butuan City, Philippines, a local woman named Amalia Sumabat caught my attention. She is plowing her land with the help of a water buffalo (Carabao) in preparation for planting different kind of vegetables: the traditional way of farming in the Philippines. Credit: A. Gomez

Tokeo la picha la plowing with buffalo in phillippines

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1 Comment

  1. Hi benito I liked your post for letting us learn various wildlife conservation and I would like youn to continue with the project.Am eagerly waiting for your next post.All the best.

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