
Research Round 3 – How Does The Educational System Affect Teenagers Physically?

Hey everyone,

In my previous rounds, I covered the basic information retaining to physical activity as well as positive aspects the education system has provided teenagers. Sadly, it has come to the end for this cycle so for my last round of research, I will be investigating the negative impacts of the education system on teens physical activity. More specifically, looking into common issues teens have such as noticeable fatigue and reduced amount of sleep. The only difference within this round of research is that, I will be describing both issues separately but since they are closely related, I will discuss the some of the impacts and solutions together.

Research Round 3 – Negative Impacts

  • How has the educational system negatively impacted teenagers?
    • Fatigue and reduced sleep
      • How / Why has it impacted students’ lives?
      • Suggestions on solutions


High school students partook in one of the 6 FITNESSGRAM test which determines the overall physical health of students. Overall, the test had less than 13% of students in Texas between 2008 and 2010 that were able to minimally pass all the 6 different physical aspects. Specifically, the PACER test which can be a mile run or walk was examined in this paper where majority of the students didn’t meet the requirements. Scientist suggest the lack of physical activity might be due to students living a more “relaxed” lifestyle (1), however I believe fatigue might be a factor.

Image result for fatigue teen

Fatigue can be defined as a lack of energy and motivation and can be linked to sleepiness. It is very common with statistics around 20-60% of the time for American adults. (2) Whereas for teens, it has been determined roughly around 40% of teens feel tired on a regular basis and appear to fall asleep during class or have low energy levels and attention spans. However, we must be careful to differentiate between a tired teen and a fatigued teen. Although they can be commonly grouped together, a tired teen still attends school while taking small naps in class whereas a fatigue teen doesn’t have the ability to attend school at all. (3)

Reduced Sleep

Image result for sleeping student

On average less than 10% of teens get the daily requirement of sleep which as mentioned above can result in short naps during classes or worse when driving. Physically most teens appear less energetic and more tired than previous years due to both lack of sleep and the biological shift in our clocks. Teens are wired to stay up later which results in a difficult time getting up and it doesn’t necessarily help with schools starting quite early where we are required to perform academically. (4) Honestly, there are many different factors that causes teens to not receive the recommended hours of sleep such as screen time before bed, leisure activities as well as hectic schedules filled with an abundance of homework and sports. Since students are stuck on this vicious cycle of limited amount of sleep, their bodies become used to this routine of taking naps or just not producing the best assignments. (5)

How has it impacted students’ lives?

Image result for sick days

Without approximately 8-10 hours of sleep daily, physically teens have slower reaction time, reduced performance in activities like sports, tend to be clumsy and face risk of having bad impulses. (5) Especially for teens who are driving, making bad decisions and having a slow reaction time is especially dangerous since we are all new drivers with very little experience. There are also other mental factors such as difficulty concentrating, short attention spans, excessive moodiness and depression which all can lead to grades slipping and an increase in “sick” days from school. (5)


Image result for school late start

Although the easiest fix to not getting enough sleep is sleeping more, as a teenager it is quite difficult to manage your time between homework, activities and having a social life. Therefore, some small adjustments could include dedicating part of your lunch hour to working on homework, or having a strict schedule at home. Perhaps in future years as the education system progress, there could be an option to start school later or even have a shorter lunch period if common lunch was available. For example, some schools could have the 8:20 start time and finish around 3 while other schools start around 10 and finish around 5. This may cause some confusion and isn’t ideal for the schools, but this change could greatly benefit student’s grades and help lead them on a path of success in the future.

Well that is all for this round and the cycle! Stay tuned for the new cycle where I will be focused on how the education system impacts teenagers mentally.


  1. Smith, J. D., & Holmes, P. A. (2013). Perceived Exertion of the PACER in High School Students. Physical Educator70(1), 72. Retrieved from

Thank you everyone who has commented on my posts within this cycle, they are greatly appreciated and I look forward to any more suggestions or opinions you might have on my inquiry question. 🙂

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  1. Hey Lauren,
    I felt your Research Round was very interesting and I think we can definitely all relate to these affects. I think sleep is something that is very important and sometimes it can be very difficult with school, job, volunteering and maintaining a social life. I really like the idea of starting later because this semester I have block 1 off for the first time and it has really changed how awake I am in class because I don’t start till 9:40. I am very bad for falling asleep in class and I wish I didn’t but balancing work, school, family, activities, volunteering and friends it becomes very hard. I also think that how teachers teach also has a major impact on how students retain information and it might be exciting to research the different types of learning. GREAT JOB!!!
    -Sienna Saunders

  2. Hi Lauren,
    I thought your research was very interesting, and I agree that school should start later. I actually just read someone else’s post about late start for schools, and I came across two websites that might be useful for you.
    This first article talks about how a late start could be beneficial, and about how the time school starts impacts us.
    This second article talks about why the school start time hasn’t been changed yet, and the obstacles that prevent schools from doing it.

    Good luck on future research!
    -Jasmine Paduraru

  3. Hey Lauren,

    I definitely related to this post and connect with the information you included. Like you said, it is super important teens our age get the sleep we need because we have sports, school, and we are driving! I agree that it could be very beneficial to start school at a later time in order to help students get more sleep, however, I think it should also be implemented that students are taught how to manage their time wisely like you mentioned. You mentioned this might mean students use their lunch block to do homework in order to have less homework that night. I also think it’s important students prioritize their time outside of school too. For many, distractions at home can keep us from getting the work done we need to do (Netflix, social media, electronics, games), and trust me, I have fallen victim to these forms of procrastination too! But I think students must also learn to use their time wisely while in high school especially in order to prepare them for their future studies in post-secondary and even their future careers.

    Here are some websites for your next round of research looking at how the education systems impacts students mentally:

    Good luck on your next post!
    – Madison Ciulla

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