
Blog Post #1 – How do childhood experiences influence our identity as individuals?

In my inquiry project this semester, I want to research more about early childhood, specifically how experiences and environment affect the memories of children.

We are all influenced in our actions, which make us the people that we are today. Our first 7 years of our life are the most critical to develop our beliefs and views of the world. After these childhood years, it is very hard to change the base of your opinions and beliefs. These beliefs create your views on yourself, others and the world, which directly impact your mental health, your personality and your emotions. In my inquiry project, I want to specifically look at early childhood, because these are the most critical years in our life that directly impact how we grow and adapt as people.

I will be looking at a study called neuroscience. Neuroscience is the biology behind human behaviour. It is a mix between psychology (the scientific study of mind and behaviour) and biology (the scientific study of life). I have done a lot of research in this area and I have always enjoyed learning about this topic. It lets my questions be answered, but many leave me wondering and researching for more answers. There are so many unanswered questions and so many mysteries still left with the study of the brain, which makes it so much more intriguing to research and learn about.

I believe that the study of the brain is so important, especially right now, because there are so many questions that need to be answered to help our community. From brain disorders to mental health problems, our happiness is based around our brain. We can solve so many problems in the world if we start from early childhood education. If all children get the self validation that they deserve, it can improve their mental wellbeing. Early childhood is a key aspect to our emotions and personality, and negative emotions that include trauma (an negative experience that has altered our life) in early childhood can change our beliefs all together, creating a bad adulthood. If we can make our childhood healthy and safe, it creates the base for the rest of our lives. We have to start young and as soon as possible.

I have always wanted a career where I can help others, and I believe that with a developing field, such as neuroscience (the study of the brain), I can directly help others in need. I have always wondered what motivated people to do certain things or act a certain way, and now I realize that we are not the only factor that controls our personality, but it is the outside experiences that we obtain. I want to help others in my career to help communities become better and improve the mental wellbeing of as many people as I can. We never know what other people are going through in everyday life, so why would we want to negatively influence their emotions. My inquiry question helps my interests of early childhood development and neuroscience, as it will also help my future learning and my future career.

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