
about me post

Hello everyone, my name is savannah, I am 15 years old and I go to Charles best. 

I love sports, at one point I had 5 going at the same time but, sadly I no longer have time so for now I’m just doing soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was too, it is definitely my favorite sport. 

Something I’m really passionate about is the environment and animal welfare. Ever science I was younger I have care deeply about these subjects especially animal welfare. 

In my free time I love practicing soccer with my friends, baking, organizing my plans and studying for things that have nothing to do with what I’m learning in school, science in particular. 

In my opinion the perfect best friend would be someone who I could laugh with, who had very little social anxiety, someone a little more confident than me to bring me out of my shell and someone who I could be my self around. I think the perfect best friend for me would be far from perfect because sometimes conflicts and differences bring you closer.

Out of the three options for the butterfly effect, action interests me the most. I feel like with action you can feel like you are making a difference in the community and it is also a lot more hands on which I really enjoy.

Thank you so much for reading my first blog post.

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