
About Me Biography – Ava Vukovic

Hello! My name is Ava Vukovic and I am a grade 12 student at Charles Best; this is my third year taking Social Responsibility. This class taught me about abstract topics that often aren’t touched on in core classes, all within independent research. Therefore, I am extremely excited to come back to learn, create, and answer questions for the next two semesters.

Two years, word of mouth and a keen interest in participating in fundraising for an important cause brought me to Butterfly Effect. Over both semesters last year, I was able to explore what it truly meant to be eco-friendly in today’s society (how greenwashing is strategically used to entice consumers), and what the term “Pretty Privilege” referred to; affecting outlook on life. All of my projects thus far have been inquiry. I expect Butterfly to take me through a whole new research path as it pertains to the next inquiry I have in mind. I am very passionate about research, science, and why we behave in the way that we do. For these reasons, the Inquiry project stood out when looking into the options.

One of my passions is playing volleyball. I love volleyball because it allows me to express myself energetically, while being surrounded by teammates who support and believe in my goals. I also play piano to pass time. I am currently learning Moonlight Sonata third movement by Beethoven, playing at my own pace whenever I have free time. My main goal in life would be to pursue nutrition as a sports Dietitian, having always had a profound interest in food and the affect of nutrition on the body.

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In my spare time I enjoy lifting weights and working on my athletic performance in a gym setting. I started this healthy habit about three and a half years ago, and it has been one of my favourite things to do since. The endorphins after a hard workout help me to stay in tune with my emotions while uplifting my mood for the day to come. It is a goal of mine to potentially participate in an Iron Man triathlon one day.

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If I were to solve any local or global problem it would be child poverty and lack of education. I am passionate about advocating for the future generations to become rich with knowledge, and want to do everything in my power to help support these causes. I understand how lucky I am to live in a first world country with a strong economy and education system, and believe that everyone should be able to access this level and acquisition of knowledge. I want to live in a world where everyone is given fair opportunity to succeed through areas that bring them great joy. This is part of the reason I am sticking with this course, furthering my work done to support the livelihoods of the less fortunate.

To conclude, I am very much looking forward to continuing with this course to further my knowledge on subjects that I am thoroughly passionate about. I cannot wait to start my fifth inquiry project, and participate in fundraising and advocating for a good cause. Thank you for reading this!


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