
About me: Andre Au

How to Disagree with a Book | CiRCE Institute
How to Disagree with a Book | CiRCE Institute

Hi. I am Andre. I live in Canada, British Colombia and I attend Dr. Charles best secondary. I am currently 13 years old, and in grade 9. Some of my interests are reading, chemistry and finances. My interest in chemistry started when I did my own research on what an atom is in grade 6, because I was curious on what everything was made out off. My interest in finances started in grade 8 when I learned about how bad inflation was and wanted to stop from losing buying power through investing. After I learned about inflation I decided to do some research into the different types of investing and their interest rates, and this started my interest in finance. The two questions that I am answering is going to be, What brought you to Butterfly and where do you expect it take you? And what do you like to do in your free time? For the first question, I wanted to answer was because I always wanted to experience new things and help other people,. I expect the butterfly program to enhance the knowledge I already currently possess through the research project.

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