
Action Blog Post #7 Pt.2

I have faced multiple challenges, but I have overcame each one while doing my action project of park clean-ups. One obstacle I faced was picking up the litter effectively because I was only wearing gloves and each time I had to bend down to pick a piece up. I overcame this by getting a trash picker, so I could easily grab the garbage with it. Another challenge that occurred was time management because my schedule was very busy due to my basketball season. I persevered through this by making a schedule to stay organized and by priortizing what was most important. Another obstacle I faced was health conditions because I was sick for a week at one point. I persevered through this by drinking hot liquids and taking Tylenol to speed up the recovery process, so I was able to pick up the litter efficiently. Lastly, a challenge I faced was dressing appropriately for the weather because sometimes it was raining and sometimes it was too cold. However, I overcame this by checking the weather app so I was aware of the weather conditions before going outside to implement my action project.

This action changed the way I think because it taught me to value my environment more because it provides me with fresh air, clean water, and many essential resources needed for survival. Therefore, I have learned that it is crucial to not litter because it can harm the environment and wildlife. I have also learned that it is signifcant to not only dispose waste properly but to also decrease the amount of waste I produce. I can do this by conserving water and energy at home and switching to resuable items because small actions like these lead to bigger differences.

This action project has affected my future decisions by reminding me to keep my environment clean so not only I can enjoy it but the future generations after me can too. I can do this by always disposing my trash to the correct bins and picking up extra litter whenever I can. I will also switch out my plastic straws and plastic bags for metal starws and reusable bags to decrease the use of plastic which is also harmful to the eneviroment because it contributes to climate change. Nevertheless, if I see any of my friends or family not caring about disposing their trash properly I will take action by reminding them it is crucial to reduce, reuse and recycle litter to protect our environment.

This action project impacted others in my community by reminding them of the importance of keeping our environment clean. This is because whenever I was picking up litter other people would notice and would make sure to dispose their garbage properly. There was also a time where another family was influenced positvely and joined my family in picking up trash around the park. Furthermore, when other people read my blog posts they will most likely spread awarness to this topic as well which will lead to more people realizing the importance of decreasing the amount of litter we produce into nature.

1.) This photo connects to my project because it shows the different types of litter I found.

2.) This photo connects to my action project because it shows how dangerous it can be for animals to consume garbage.

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