
Blog #7 – Action Reflection – Marisa Ciulla

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this action project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?

Through out this project I encountered many struggles along the way and in the process; for example, running out of some supplies, and others in the community being unreceptive to what we were doing. I think its really important in these types of challanges and any challenge you encounter in life to go about it in a mature, calm and planned out manner; therefore, when we ran out of supplies to add to each bag we organized the bags into piles/ groups of which bags had the same amount of items in them, which ensured we could hand out the full ones on hand out day. To navigate those who were a little unreceptive the youth leaders helped us to navigate and handle these conversation ensuring the safety of everyone doing so in a mature manner.

b. How did this action change the way you think?

This action changed the way I think because of all the empathetic hearts I saw from both sides. It was very heart warming to see how engaged the youth were in making the bags for other and then handing them out, and also seeing how empathetic those were who were receiving the bags and how interested they were in hearing about why we were dong what we were doing.

It gave me a new perspective on this generation and taught me to be very grateful for what I have and the opportunities I am given and that I am able to help in this area which is often neglected.

c. How did this investigation/action impact your future decisions?

This action project impacted my future decisions as I have always had a passion to help those in my community and spread my faith. Therefore, just because this project is over that does not impact my future decision to continue doing this sort of thing in my own time. And I look forward to continuing to help in my community.

This action also impacted my future decisions of not being afraid to do things outside of my comfort zone because majority of the time when you are trying to help someone from a place of love they are most of the time usually really appreciative and grateful for your actions.

d. What impact will this investigation/action have on others locally and/or globally?

This action has an impact on others locally as these little blessing bags we as a youth handed them out provided them some essential to help them out a little bit. This also has an impact locally as others who were around witnessed the actions and may have now been inspired themselves to replicate and emulate some of these actions and try it for them selves to better our community locally.

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