
Blog post #7 Reflection on What are the Effects of Urbanization

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog post, in this blog post I will be reflecting on the process of answering my inquiry question of “What are the Effects of Urbanization”.

Some challenges I faced

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?

while answering this question were choosing which subtopics to cut out. Urbanization is a broad subject with various articles and websites dedicated towards this subject. Part of this challenge was to find reliable sources. I spent a lot of time just reading articles and deciding which ones would be useful for my research.To fix this I used tools such as Google Scholar to help find reliable sites and articles and making sure the sites were reliable. There were various articles and sources I nearly used, but I also had a hard time connecting some and coming up with subtopics. Some subtopics I considered were the effects on health, the influence of technology. I chose my subtopics by seeing which ones were more important and seeing the amount of sources that I could use for each question and chose the subtopics that I thought I could find more information about.

b. How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry into the effects of urbanization fundamentally changed my perspective on modern cities. Before I didn’t realize how many negative impacts there were in urbanization. Many habitats can be affected by just building and expanding one city. Overall, it taught me that urbanization requires a balanced approach considering environmental sustainability.

c. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

This inquiry made me more aware of the environmental and social complexities of urbanization. In the future I believe I will be more likely to choose sustainable options when given the choice. Such as choosing and supporting renewable energy sources.

d. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

This inquiry will likely impact others by simply raising awareness of the effects of urbanization and what can be done about it.

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