
Can values and beliefs change as we mature? -Blog #5

Can values and beliefs change as we mature?
Do we hold the same values forever? Do our beliefs change as we mature? This question is essential to research because we must understand that changes are possible as we grow. I really want to research this question because I have seen some controversies about people switching religions as they become adults. This is really interesting to me as they choose to change their religion when that is the religion they grew up with. Although values and beliefs are slightly different than religion, it would be interesting to know why we choose to change our values and beliefs as we age.

Over time, people’s ideals also tend to shift. Your early values shift as you grow into a young adult, build relationships, and navigate the world. while you get married or have kids, things that made sense to you while you were single stop making sense. After you retire, things that made sense to you when you were a parent no longer make sense. Undoubtedly, a lot of themes endure over time, but not all of them do.
According to humanist psychologists, persons have intrinsic morals and preferences that are often hidden beneath societal norms and expectations, or social morality. The process of gradually rediscovering these very personal and fundamental desires—which are unconsciously suppressed when they appear to run counter to social norms—is a necessary part of the human experience. Even though you may have wanted to become an artist, you chose to become a banker since it appeases your anxious and perfectionistic parents. Even if you may have homosexual tendencies, you marry someone of the opposing sex and have children since it would be unacceptable and shameful to act otherwise in your family and community.
You may not be in touch with your ideals for other reasons. Sometimes, people are so preoccupied with merely getting by to stop and consider their principles. Values don’t work as motivators unless your basic necessities are taken care of. (1)

Many of us may not give our ideals much thought until something terrible happens to us or life takes an unexpected turn. Important life events can encourage us to reassess our priorities, or they may require us to do so.
We do go through both big and small life experiences over time, which help to mould our values and worldview. A new career, parenthood, or taking up a new pastime are all excellent examples of experiences that can mould your values and worldview. (2)

With age came a rise in the mean significance of power values, conservation, and self-transcendence. On the other hand, achievement values become less significant. The willingness to adapt did not change.
Value alterations over time were the subject of another pertinent study using a multinational sample as part of the European Social Survey. Researchers used data from two sample cohorts and twelve industrialized nations to determine which values would represent age differences that would remain constant across gender. (3)

In contrast to the stability argument, some psychologists argue that fundamental beliefs are subject to modification, especially in reaction to life-changing experiences and personal development. These changes, which can represent a changing worldview and self-concept, can come about gradually or suddenly. For instance, someone who had previously placed a higher priority on career success might change after experiencing a life-altering incident and begin to place a higher value on family and work-life balance.
Existentialist philosophy is frequently cited by scholars who investigate the dynamics of values change. They contend that when people go through the challenges of life, they have the ability to consider, reconsider, and redefine their values. According to this perspective, a shift in one’s basic beliefs is both feasible and inevitable given the nature of humanity. (4)

The accumulation of life experiences is one of the most important factors that might lead to a shift in one’s own values. As we interact with a variety of individuals and events, our viewpoints expand and we may need to reevaluate our principles. Events that contradict our preconceived notions can cause us to ponder and go inward, and we may then reassess our values in light of the new information or understanding these experiences have given us. (5)

Thank you for reading.


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