
Blog Post #4 – How do sports benefit people?

Hello everybody! In this post, I will explore and learn more about the second sub-topic of my inquiry question which will be about mental health and mindset. What are the common benefits and drawbacks that playing a sport can have on someone? What are ways that could help the negativity of athletes? How does engagement in sports reduce stress levels and promoting overall mental health? One additional question I would like to delve into is the difference between playing a sport and doing an exercise. In the last subtopic, a lot of websites talked about exercise. When I specifically search and looked into websites that focused more on sports, there was a slight difference in what type of information they gave, even if it was on the same topic.

Benefits of playing a sport

Sports and exercise tires the body, which clear your mind and focuses on what you are doing in that moment. In that state of mind, the ability to be present and not think about any unnecessary thoughts is augmented, decreasing negative thoughts in general. Being involved in sports typically means many practices, games and time commitment. Having these responsibilities for only doing a sport keep teens away from doing worthless things such as joining in on risky actions, drug use, or spending hours on social media. Without much thought, people who are involved with sports naturally learn and develop life skills and values such as confidence, communication, resilience, responsibility, time and teamwork. Sports strengthen the growth mindset to achieve things over a period while decreasing the expectancy of instant results. Having a growth mindset helps frustration tolerance, which can be very useful when confronting similar situations in life. (1)

Drawbacks of playing a sport

While playing a sport is generally good for you, there is no such thing as a sport that you can excel in with no pain, mentally or physically. Athletes suffer and would go through any harsh training that would lead them to victory.  A 2016 study found that college athletes were struggling with similar symptoms of depression as the general student population. Even though people may suffer mentally, many wouldn’t seek for help as athletes think of themselves as tough, making them deal with their problems themselves. Stress is also common as high expectations, outperforming others, and the view of their self-identity are thoughts that people cannot get away from. The state of mind that you are in can greatly affect your performance. If your mind is filled with many thoughts, no matter good or bad, you would lose focus and be distracted. An overly distracted mind could lead to small consequences such as losing points, or poor performance overall, but for some sports, it could be a big issue such as getting injuries or bringing a group of people down (team sports). (2)

Solutions for Drawbacks

Here are some ways that athletes can help their mental health:

Focus On What You Need to Do

Everyone focuses on what’s coming by, such as competitions, but for some, the stress could be much worse. Felgenauer (2021) states it’s better removing the competition or event as your output, and focus more on what your body needs to be the best version of yourself. Whether that includes getting better sleep, eating nutritiously, and or injury prevention practice like stretching or rest days.

Setting Logical Goals

Many people want to become the greatest player or person in their sport. For someone that is doing their sport for something like a high school, they still have plenty of time to improve in their sport. It is unreasonable for someone to have their only goal as to be the best player ever, as that is very unrealistic. Even professionals don’t have that goal. Instead, it is better to have multiple goals you know you can achieve over time. That way, you could have multiple achievements that could eventually lead you to accomplishing your ultimate goal (G.O.A.T. of your sport!)

Remembering Why You Started Your Sport

As you play your sport more and more, it gets more complicated as you practice more, and have to deal with harder obstacles. When you first start doing something, you genuinely were curious and wanted to try that thing out for fun. As you get better and better at what you are doing, you need to put in more time to get real progress. You would need dedication, but in the end, it all pays off. Remember that you starting playing your sport not because of all the competitions and awards you get, but that you really love your sport. (3)

How does engagement in sports reduce stress levels and promoting overall mental health?

Physical activity lowers the body’s stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. This reduction helps to decrease overall stress levels and promotes a sense of relaxation. It boosts the production of endorphins, neurotransmitters that enhance mood and provide a natural feeling of euphoria. Overall, engaging in sports increases rational functions of the body such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It can also increase sleep patterns and sleep quality, that can reduce the chances of sleep disorders. (4)

Exercise vs Sports

Sports is exercise since you are burning calories, but there is a slight difference. Sports focus on an outcome outside of the body, exercise focuses on an outcome inside the body. In sports, there are set rules and you have opponents. For example, in hockey what matters is which team has more goals at the end of 3rd period. For running, swimming, and speed skating, what matters is how fast you are compared to other competitors. The main goal for everyone isn’t on what your body is doing, only on performing your best. Exercise focuses on your physical health and functions. You do exercises that will the well-being of your body. (5)


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  1. Hi Poyau,

    I really enjoyed your blog post! I love how you explained the advantages and disadvantages of sports. For example, you included that sports help with reducing stress hormones, but athletes must undergo pain mentally and physically. This impacted me because I love working out and playing basketball. They help me to feel energized and stay healthy especially after a long day at school. This is also a very important topic because we need to stay healthy physically and mentally to live in this difficult society with work, family, and school. Some questions I have for you are: which sports are the safest sport to play to avoid accidents? Are team sports or independent sports better for a teenager’s mental health? What are some ways to promote exercise in teenagers?

    Here are some resources to further your research: [ALL SOURCES ARE PEER-REVIEWED]


    Thank you,
    Sarah Kim

  2. Hi!

    Your blog post was really intriguing to read! I especially chose to read this one because I think that sports are a huge part of the world today in terms of human culture and it is great to know the benefits it can bring. Everything was really informative and I liked how you included the advantages and the drawbacks about sports for comparison as well as solutions for those drawbacks. My favourite solution was to remember why you started the sport as it reminded me of a quote to never give up. I have always believed that sports have a unique way of bringing a sense of community and uniting people together; but, I never really thought about how individuals who plays a sport may not weigh those benefits as heavily. What a great perspective to research into! As I was reading your bog post, I was wondering what the main inquiry question was. As a suggestion, it would be beneficial if your overall inquiry question was mentioned along with your subquestion so it is easier to follow along. Furthermore, I appreciate your post about sports benefit people physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Keep up the good work!


  3. Hello! I really enjoyed your latest blog post! Your exploration of the mental health benefits and challenges of playing sports is a topic most of us would enjoy reading. I particularly liked your distinction between sports and exercise and how each impacts mental health differently. It’s a unique and intelligent perspective that you explored. For future posts, you might consider researching on how different types of sports (team vs. individual) affect mental health differently. Additionally, looking into the long-term mental health benefits of consistent sports engagement could be interesting.
    Best of luck!

  4. Hi Po Yiu,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. It was well written and easy to read and I got lots of good information from it. As an athlete, I found your post to be very helpful, especially when you talked about realistic goal setting. I also liked your comparison between sports and exercise. A question that I have for you is what is the optimal amount of daily activity for teens? Here are some links that might help you with your research:,to%2Dvigorous%20physical%20activity%20daily.

    Great post!

  5. Hi Po Yiu,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. It was well written and easy to read and I got lots of good information from it. As an athlete, I found your post to be very helpful, especially when you talked about realistic goal setting. I also liked your comparison between sports and exercise. A question that I have for you is what is the optimal amount of daily activity for teens? Here are some links that might help you with your research:,to%2Dvigorous%20physical%20activity%20daily.

    Great post!

  6. Hello Po You,

    I really loved reading your blog post! It was very easy to read and follow to keep me engaged to great Job!
    I also really enjoyed reading about this topic as I am someone who enjoys working out quite frequently. I really. liked where you talked about the difference of sports and exercise, sports being a more external practice, and exercise being more internal, this was a really cool way to think about their difference.

    I really liked to when you talked about “remembering why you started your sport”. I think this is really important in both working out and sports as we can get so caught up in winning and success we slowly start to loose our drive and love for what were doing. I think we all go through this its some point but remembering the true reasons and goals why you started can re inspire your passion!!

    Here is a link I think could be helpful if you interest in researching long term inpacts of playing a sport vs not,Long%2DTerm%20Effects,body%20is%20in%20top%20shape.

    Great post,
    Marisa 🙂

  7. Hi Po Yiu,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post! I find this post very interesting and informative. I like how you said to remember why you started sports. Most of our parents put us into sports to keep us distracted but then later found an actual sport we liked. I have always believed it is important to stay active either doing a sport or just running or walking daily. I can’t wait to read your future blog post!
    Here is a website that might be helpful for your future research,and%20burnout%2C%20are%20also%20apparent.

    Good luck !

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