
“The Music Man” Story – Blog Post #5

After doing my outline and all the research required for writing my story, I will finally write my story and put it together. This is the good copy of my story after I have done all the editing. Enjoy reading it!

     Mr. Chad slowly opened the envelope in his hands. He took out a piece of paper. The room was thick with anticipation as everyone awaited the reveal. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Mr. Chad turned the piece of paper over and exclaimed, “The musical we are doing this year is The Music Man!” The room was silent, unlike the musical theatre class next door who was cheering over their upcoming production of “The Little Mermaid.” Nobody had ever heard of this musical before. Everyone had expected to do a better, more well-known musical such as “Grease” or “Rent.” Mr. Chad, along with the other teachers, Ms. Nicole, Ms. Jocelyn, and Mr. Brent, could all feel the class’s hesitation and uncertainty, so they chimed in saying how The Music Man was a great and classic musical, and how we would have the best year ever. However, nobody could believe their encouraging words. 

     The next two classes were audition days. For the first day, everyone was expected to bring a track of a song to sing in front of the teachers. I was so nervous before my audition because I had never performed professionally in front of casting directors before, so I didn’t know what to expect. In the end, even though I was overcome with nerves during my audition, I was very proud of myself of persevering through the entire process. On the second audition day, we were given different lines from the script to read aloud. This is so the teachers could get a better sense of which people fit into which character’s shoes the best. 

     By November, everyone was cast into their roles, and we could finally begin working on our spring production of “The Music Man.” I was cast into the role of Mrs. Squires, one of the many gossip ladies of the town, also known as the Pick-a-little ladies. Each rehearsal consisted of learning new music or reviewing old music with our music director, Mr. Brent, then learning new choreography or running already learnt numbers with our choreographer, Ms. Nicole. We learned song after song, and even blocked some scenes out with our director, Mr. Chad so that the show began to look whole. I always loved going to rehearsals because it was a safe place where I could let loose and express myself through my character. 

     Right before we left for winter break in December, Mr. Chad warned us that as soon as January rolled around, April would not be that far away, and it would be a sprint to get the show done in time for opening night on the 21st of April. He was right. Before I knew it, April was here and there wasn’t many rehearsals left before we performed in front of a live audience. 

     On April 17, we began tech week for “The Music Man.” Tech week is also referred to as “hell week” for actors. During tech week, the entire cast, production crew, and all the teachers had to be at the theatre from 4:00-9:00pm every day in order to prepare and get ready for opening night that Friday. On Monday and Tuesday, we got to try on our costumes. I found out that I had three quick changes in the whole show, which was not a very good thing. Then, we practiced the various set changes that happens so that we could get a good feel about how to operate the set pieces. We also ran some of the numbers on the stage to get a feel of the spacing on a larger area. On Wednesday and Thursday leading up to opening, those were the busier days. We did full run-throughs of the show with both days, and it was finally becoming clear that we were only one sleep away before presenting our months of hard work to the world. 

     Soon, opening night was here. I arrived at the theatre at 6:00pm, just in time for our call time one hour before the show started. Once I was in the dressing room backstage, I immediately got into my first costume, then went to get my hair and make-up done. For the show, I got to wear an old wig that made me look like I was from the 1900s. I repeated the entire getting ready process three more times, as we had four shows in all, which includes Friday evening and Saturday evening at 7:00pm, and Saturday matinee and Sunday matinee at 2:00pm. 

     Closing day was the saddest of them all. I realized that I would never get to be the bright and bubbly Mrs. Squires ever again, and I would never get another chance to sing and dance in my favourite number, Shipoopi. After the curtains closed for the final time, everyone was in tears and hugging each other. It was especially sad for the graduates of 2023 because this would be their last year at the studio, and they would be moving on to university. It was really hard to believe that “The Music Man” was over. 

     In the end, I loved being a part of “The Music Man” from September all the way to April. The entire experience was so amazing, and everyone was so supportive of one another. This was one of the best shows I have ever been in, and I could tell my cast mates loved being in it as well, even though we were all uncertain about the show at first. I will never forget this wonderful show and everyone that helped make “The Music Man” possible! 

The Music Man

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