
Blog #4 – What Would a Perfect Society Look Like?

Hellow everyone! Welcome to my fourth blog post for my inquiry question, ” What would a perfect society look like?”. Today, I will be addressing the second subquestion for my main question, ” What factors may create a certainty of peace, unity of purpose, religious principles, justice, ethical values law and order?”. These are all the ideals of a perfect society by definition, and if we discover factors that can improve these, we are paving our way towards a perfected society. For example, to create a sense of peace, we can strengthen the law enforcement force.

  1. (Source 1) Factors that can create a certainty of peace.
    a. A well-functioning government
    This will enable the government to enforce law much more effectively and easily. This allows for a more streamlined law enforcement.
    b. Low levels of corruption
    This will allow for much less lost funds for the society, and less chaos, resulting in more peace.
    c. Free flow of information
    This will allow many people to know what is happening in their area, so that they know what to do if something like a tornado appears, leading to less casualties.

2. (Source 2) Factors that can create equality
a. Equal education
With equal education, everybody can learn the same things no matter their ethnicity, gender orientation, or age. This will allow the society as a whole to function better because the general public is more knowleageable.
b. All-inclusive healthcare
This will create equality because everybody will be treated according to their condition to guarantee the quickest recovery and to improve the health of the general public.

3. (Source 3) Factors that create a sense of community
a. Membership (contributing)
Contributing to the community can increase the bond or connection in between community members and enable them to create more friendships and become much more confortable and aquainted with each other. This will allow for more flexibility and peace in neighborhoods, and generally create a better atmosphere.
b. Fulfillment of needs
When community members aid each other in their time of need, they can all benefit and create a tighter bond.

Source 1
Source 2,contribute%20on%20a%20regular%20basis.

Source 3

This was my fourth blog post! I hope you guys enjoyed, and I look forward to writing my next one!

  • Frederick Han

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  1. Hello Fredrick ,
    It was interesting to read about how a perfect society would have things like all inclusive health care, equal education for everyone, and a contributing community. It’s interesting to see the parallels between your description of a perfect society and leftist/socialist views on how our society should operate. How everyone should have access to the same things , and that there should be a strong emphasis on community and mutual aid. I enjoyed reading your post as it made me think, i look forward to reading your future blog posts. Here are some resources that could help you.

  2. Hi Frederick!

    Your inquiry question is a really great hook and I thought it was an absolutely interesting topic to think about. “What would a perfect society look like?” kind of reminds me of the tv show, “The Society” and “The 100” so I guess that’s why it caught my eye. Anyways, your second sub question of looking into the factors is a very smart way to break down your overall inquiry. I especially liked how your blog post was organized and easy to follow by dividing the concepts of peace, equality and community. While I reading, I was wanting to see some of your own personal thoughts on the question as a perfect society is a very critical thought. If it would help, a further elaboration of the how’s and why’s of those factors would help readers understand your topic more deeply! For example in umber 1 where it says that a factor that can create certainty for peace is a well functioning government, you could expand on what exactly a well-functioning government would like and maybe give some evidence on real ones from the past. Some sources that could help:


    Keep up the good work!
    – Vea

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