
How much influence do the people around us have on our values and beliefs -Blog #4

How much influence do the people around us have on our values and beliefs?
This question is essential to research as our lives are influenced by the people around us all the time. Our friends, families, and peers are constantly giving us influence on values and beliefs. For example, I can think of many values and beliefs that my mom passed down to me. She occasionally tells me what she believes in and it influences me to think like her as I look up to her. This goes the same way with the people you surround yourself with. I notice how people are friends with whom they share similar values and beliefs. This round of research will give me an answer to my inquiry question.

Over time, influences from friends, family, society, and life events shape and unite people’s values, views, and attitudes. Thus, by the time you’re an adult, you’ll be able to have firm opinions about almost anything and have the mindset that “no one is going to change my mind.” (1)

An individual is only impacted by the values and ideas of others to the extent that they are accepted and believed by them. When we are young, people are most susceptible to brainwashing. From our parents, friends, schools, bosses, the government, religions, and so on, we absorb concepts, values, and belief systems. (2)

Our values are shaped by the roles we play in society. It has put itself in a position to judge what is right or wrong. Our culture’s prevailing beliefs compel the majority, or the mainstream, to embrace what constitutes morality and ethic. (3)

Your identity is shaped in part by your experiences, mindset, and beliefs. They have an impact on your thoughts, actions, and methods. Your perspective is shaped in part by your experiences, connections, upbringing, and background. (4)

Your beliefs are greatly influenced by your faith, culture, education, mentors, and life experiences; they are also subject to change over time. (5)

People’s attitudes, behaviours, and worldviews are shaped by these cultural norms and ideals. Socialization is one method that culture shaped attitudes and actions. People are indoctrinated into the customs and beliefs of their culture from a young age through media, education, peers, and family. (6)

Thank you for reading.


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  1. Hello Kiara,
    Nice blog post! Keep up the great work! Your blog post is really interesting as it talks about how people influence your values and beliefs. Humans are very social animals, and a lot of our behaviours and actions can be influenced by the people around us. Good luck with your next blog post and I am looking forward to reading more blog posts from you! Here are some websites that could help you with your research:—for-better-and-worse

  2. Hi kiara,

    Your blog topic is really interesting and a subject that I want to further study/research on! The influences of human behavior has always been something that has piqued my interests and I have always found it fascinating how our actions influence the decisions of others. Especially in today’s world where there is social media, trends, and new technology it is really easy to be “Influenced” and want to “fit in” with others. I liked how you mentioned how we are affected by our friends, families, and even strangers beliefs to form our self values that then continue to impact others. This leads me to the conclusion that whether you like it or not you are being influenced and influencing others, so it is really important to understand your own impact- are you positively or negatively influencing others? Some things I suggest adding is explaining and giving specifics examples of influences or even giving your own perspective of how you are influenced by others:) Overall, great job on writing your blog post and keep up the good work!

    Here are some links that might be useful,%2C%20culture%2C%20friends%2C%20life%20events

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