
Blog post #4 – What study habits or influences in our daily lives that affect our memory recall?

Hi everyone, today I will be researching about certain influences that may affect the way we recall information, events, and our surrounding environment. I chose this question specifically since I have some background knowledge of the influences of human mind and I wanted to incorporate this into the topic I am studying now. Furthermore, I think this is a important question to ask because the way we act and behave is affected by the environment and people we surround ourselves with, this also applies in academic/studying settings, where habits that we allow to grow will affect how we solve, understand as well as effectively use information that is given to us in school. In other words, if students were able to understand the influences in their lives, they may be able to build habits that give them an advantage in terms of work and studying. I also want to do some research on simple study habits that will help improve memory recall, as well as how we can avoid practices that may lead to forgetfulness and lack of motivation while studying. But before I begin I want to ask; what are some influences that may affect the way we remember things?

Emotion is one of the big influences that affect the way we remember things (1). One of the main uses for emotion is to enhance memory in order to improve memory recall of events that are significant to our survival, in other words, it acts like a highlighter that emphasize specific aspect of experiences to make them more memorable (1). For example, someone who is angry or upset with a grade they get on a test may try harder to receive a better grade, rather than person who is satisfied with the score they were given on a test. Additionally, emotions are also like cues that help you avoid threats that you may be faced in future. Certain memories of feeling pain or aggravation will help you to avoid experiencing the same situations again (1).

Another common influence in our daily lives that affects memory is stress or fatigue – closely linked to memory loss and forgetfulness (3). According to Dr. Ressler, this happens when one part of the brain is engaged, resulting in different units of the brain not having enough energy to handle their own vital tasks (4). For example, in a dangerous situation the amygdala that is responsible for survival instincts (fight or flight) would take over the entire brain, leaving the other parts that may be used to store memories less energy to further function (4). This also maybe why you are more forgetful under stress and may even experience memory lapses during traumatic events (4). Stress is an really important subject that many people struggle with in their daily lives, especially in an academic setting, so what are some habits that can help us become less anxious during finals or tests?

Environment is an important factor that can play a massive role when trying to focus studying. For example, someone who is studying in a loud, social setting will be less focus and tend to be more forgetful. Thats why experts recommend going to a quiet and peaceful room when studying for exams or other important subjects as it can actually affect how you recall and absorb information (5). Studies have also shown that times of silence can be beneficial to our physical health as well, lowering blood pressures, reducing cortisol, and overall improving concentration and focus (5).

Occasional testing when reviewing facts or details is one of the most effective methods to quickly recall new information. By forcing your brain to retrieve information, it ensures you are actively engaged and recalling instead of just passively reading which also allows you to be aware about certain topics you may not understand that may need additional attention to (6). This method in my personal opinion, is the best study technique that I have been continuously using when working with subjects in school that I don’t understand very well and actually help me remember particular facts for long periods of time.

Finally, distractions can include devices, people, loud noises, alerts, your own thought, and anything that diverts your attention from the task at hand (7). It is hard to concentrate, particularly when studying as there are so many internal and external distractions that we cant control or stop- but finding ways to minimize these interruptions can help you to focus better as well as limiting the amount of energy you spend on your work (7). Simple actions like turning your phone off or even putting it in a another room and taking the time understand your triggers can be one of the most easy ways to successfully be more productive.

In conclusion, there are many study habits that you can apply to your daily routine that will increase your productivity, however the best way to quickly recall information is to find study habits that work for you. By understanding your own personal needs, you’ll be able to find the right balance between your personal life and your academic goals- so take some time to research, finding weakness as well as your strengths to create a perfect study technique that will help you learn and obtain better understanding of your own skills.

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