
Blog post #2

Hi everyone, welcome to my second blog post. I’m going to go a little more into detail about my action project and what I will be doing to help others; as well as, talk about the TED talk I watched.

For this post I will be explaining a little more about the project I had mentioned in blog post one. For this action project I chose to help kids understand the importance of recycling and how to properly recycle. I will be doing this project with some of my classmates in the course. We will be going to elementary and middle schools to teach kids about how to recycle and why it’s so important. We will present a presentation and do some activities to help the kids become involved with the project; as well as, help them be more active in the learning process/ be engaged. This is really important because if we start helping the younger generation learn better habits and ways to help the environment we can help make their and our future improve.

I have watched an amazing TED talk that gave me so much valuable lessons as well as changed my mindset. One of the lessons that stood out to me the most was “Have a scout mindset” and to have an open-mind to learn and expand your knowledge. I think this alines with recycling because we want more people to question about it and think why it’s so important? And how it can truly benefit us all when recycling and taking actions for the environment consistently can provide a better future.

Recycle box png sticker clipart“/ CC0 1.0

Our project is very reliable and easy going since we will be working with kids/ younger groups of people as well as the cost is not very complicated because we will be doing mostly presentations as well as activity games.

Thank you for reading!!

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