
Blog Post 3 How does social media hook us and make us attached? 

How does social media hook us and make us attached? 

One of the main contributors to social media addiction and our dependence on it, is the way social media ties us to the point where we can’t let go.   

But how does it do this? 

How are the contents we view set up? 

Social media has a specific algorithm, though algorithm can mean different things given the context, in the social media world, algorithm is the way social media maintains its order and ranking of contents, search results, and advertisements (1). Algorithms set show users content, or it creates “for you pages” based on what it thinks the user will like, and it filters out the content which it thinks the viewer would not be interested in and would dismiss quickly (1). This is based on all the previous content you have saved, liked, or simply just clicked on for a few seconds, as it indicates you took some sort of interest in that content, and you would likely view similar content to that again (1). Though different platforms use different algorithms. For example, Facebook’s number one focus is the popularity of the content, whilst TikTok or Instagram focus more on user interaction, which is the most common method today (1). Regardless of the different methods which the algorithm uses they all have the same goal. To hook us in and keep us trapped in an endless loop. 

Apart from our for you pages, social media uses many tricks to obtain our attention and time. Apps like Tik Tok and Instagram use something called Hick’s Law to their advantage (2). Hick’s law indicates that the less options available to a person, the less time it will take for them to choose something and vice versa (3). Social media, especially Tik Tok and Instagram, make decision making easy for us as we don’t have to sit and wait 20 seconds for the next video, and we also don’t have to search for (relevant) videos and content as it’s as easy as scrolling down to the next one (2). This allows social media to take a hold on our attention and focus, as it is designed in a way where we do not have much control or “choices” to make, due to everything being laid out for us (2). So, a lot of the time we want to stop scrolling, yet seemingly can’t as our brains are operating on autopilot, and we end up scrolling to the next video and the next…. 

 And we do truly end up stuck in an endless loop. 

By making all the choices for us and giving us no route out of the endless content, social media controls us like puppets on string. 

 Why do these methods which social media uses have been successful thus far, and why do they always seem to work time and time again? 

Social media addiction has often been compared to a gambling addiction, and social media is often seen as similar to a casino (4) . This is not a coincidence. The main design of different social media platforms is based on casinos. Casinos and social media rely on a psychological tactic called operant conditioning (2). Devised by B.F Skinner, operant conditioning suggests that people and animals can be taught to do certain actions or display certain behaviors using rewards and punishments (5). Casinos use rewards(money) to keep people playing, and similarly social media uses entertainment as a reward to keep us scrolling (2). This “reward” or entertainment is what causes us to keep going back to social media, as they also harness our brain’s dopamine system (4).  

These are not the only ways social media grabs our attention and stops us from escaping (6). It is also important to know that the ways of social media are not going to change, especially with its creator’s unwillingness to change its ways regardless of knowing the harmful impacts it has on people (6).  

However, there is still hope. By learning more about the methods of social media, and how it impacts people of all ages, especially youth, we can get one step closer to overcoming this dependency which it has induced upon us. 


  1. O’ Brien, Clodagh. “How Do Social Media Algorithms Work?” Digital Marketing Institute, Digital Marketing Institute, 16 May 2023, 
  2. Dzioba, Brittanny. “Addictive by Design: How Tiktok Keeps You Hooked.” Digital Tattoo, 1 June 2022, 
  3. Williams, Darrell. “What Is Hicks Law and How Can We Use It to Simplify Choices?: VWO.” Blog, 13 Dec. 2023, 
  4. “Trapped – the Secret Ways Social Media Is Built to Be Addictive (and What You Can Do to Fight Back).” BBC Science Focus Magazine, Accessed 5 May 2024. 
  5. “Operant Conditioning: What Is It and How It Works.” WebMD, WebMD, Accessed 5 May 2024. 
  6. Bujph. “What Makes TikTok so Addictive?: An Analysis of the Mechanisms Underlying the World’s Latest Social Media Craze.” Brown Undergraduate Journal of Public Health, 7 Feb. 2022, 

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  1. Hey Sevin,

    This is such an interesting topic as social media has become so prevalent in our everyday lives, and that use will only increase over time. It’s scary to think about how social media has completely taken over, and it’s designed to be addicting. Many creators of social media apps don’t even let their own children use them and I think that’s so scary! I know your topic is about how addicting social media is, but maybe in your next posts you could also mention some of the positive things social media does for people? For instance, overusing social media can have negative impacts on your mental health, but for some people, using social media can help them feel less alone, and help them find others they can relate to. Personally, I think the negatives of social media outweigh the positives, but it would still be something interesting to look at just to see another side! But overall I think social media is really scary and I’m looking forward to read your next posts!

    Here are some resources that may help you with your future research:,as%20well%20as%20you%20can.

    This was an awesome post, good luck on your next one!


  2. Hi Sevina, I really enjoyed reading this blog post and I thought that this is a great topic for you to explore. I know that many people our age is really addicted to being on their phones, specifically being on social media, and I hope that your project will bring some awareness to this current situation. I know that for me, personally, I have recently been on my phone a lot more than usual. I also noticed that during spring break, the hours that I spent on my phone went from four hours to eight hours a day. I believe that the cause of this is a lack of having things to do and keeping yourself occupied, and that is why we resort back to scrolling through social media on our phones. Anyways, I love your inquiry topic and I found a link that may help you in your research,,on%20our%20limited%20attention%20span.
    I look forward to reading your future blog posts!

  3. Hi Sevina!
    Social media is a great topic to do an inquiry on! I definitely agree with a lot of the main points you made such as the connection you found between gambling and social media as well as how addictive it can be. I found it interesting when you said that social media uses entertainment as its reward to keep us scrolling in the same way that casinos use winning money as a way to keep people gambling. I can resonate with the fact that almost everyone and especially people our age, are addicted to scrolling on social media as it ties us to the point where we can’t let go. It’s like an endless loop as you said where we don’t even realize how much time has gone by just through mindless scrolling. Your blog post has given a multitude of fascinating information such as Hick’s law and I was interested all throughout. If it would help, I suggest having a small introduction about social media so that it can act as a stepping stone for the rest of your research! It would be great if you could further elaborate on your first line of how social media induces this chain where we feel dependent on it. Always good luck in your future posts and great work!,perpetuating%20the%20social%20media%20habit.

  4. Hi Sevina,

    your blog is looking really good! I agree social media has a way of trapping us in a scroll frenzy and I would also like to know how we can raise awareness on this and limit it. I always feel like I can spend hours on social media and it can decrease my productivity and affect me in many ways. However, there are some forms of innovation in which social many could’ve possibly impacted us in a positive way and I would’ve liked for you to include at least a small part on its benefits. Maybe we can see where social media crosses the line between benefitting us and being detrimental to us. Here’s a few links that can help:,support%20offline%20or%20are%20lonely.

  5. Hi Sevina,
    I find this topic interesting and relatable. I am hooked on social media. I find that once I get on TikTok I scroll through endlessly. There is a new update on Instagram where they give you reminders if you are on it for too long. Even though the reminders come on occasionally, I never seem to stop scrolling. Recently, I think the creators of these popular social media apps are trying to help us users control our usage by giving us reminders to get off the app or being able to adjust settings in the app to make the app turn off after a certain amount of time. I still do not think this is enough since I do all these, but still scroll endlessly. A question I have is: Is it the creator’s blame on users’ social media consumption? here is a link that can help:

  6. Hi Sevina,

    Your blog and topic you chose is really interesting! I always knew that social media was addicting due to tactics that platforms implanted to keep you hooked on your phone, but I never knew how psychologically related this subject is. For example, as you mentioned, social media platforms take similar methods from casinos to pull into an infinite cycle by using the knowledge of human behavior.This is the same reason why it is so hard to put our phones down and stop scrolling on our phones. I think this kinda scary how manipulative social media can become using this methods, especially since human are so easily influenced by their surroundings and environment. I think in the end, most people these day find have some sort of conflict with endlessly scrolling on their phones, including myself- but my real question is how can we stop this endless addiction and is there even a way in today’s society?
    Here are some links that may be useful,idea%20or%20sell%20a%20product.

  7. Hi Sevin,

    Great Blog Post! You’ve explained how social media keeps us hooked with detailed examples. Your breakdown of algorithms and Hick’s Law helps understand how platforms tailor content and streamline decision-making to keep us scrolling. Comparing social media addiction to gambling addiction sheds light on the deliberate strategies platforms use to keep us engaged. A question I have is about what the ethics of these tactics and their long-term effects. Also, I wonder, does social media makes us overall more connected or more isolated? Overall, your analysis offers valuable insights into our relationship with social media, which is so relevant to our generation and worls today!

    Some sources that may help with your future research are:

    Great job and I look forward to reading your future Blog Posts!

    Perla 🙂

  8. Hey Sevina,

    Your take on social media was really interesting! I totally get how addictive it can be, especially with all that mindless scrolling on so many different apps that we all have access to today. Your comparison to casinos was spot-on as well, as it shows in different environments what and how addictions can be. Adding a quick intro about social media might help set the stage for your research. Looking forward to seeing more about how we get hooked on it.

    Here is a link I found that might be helpful with your future posts!,%2C%20retweets%2C%20and%20emoticon%20reactions.

    good luck on your next research rounds!

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