
What is the difference between values and beliefs? -Blog #3

This question is essential as we need to first understand what values and beliefs are. It is also significant that we know what the difference is between the two. There are also many of us who may not know the exact definition of values and beliefs. With this research step, I can go into depth about what these terms are and what the difference is.


  1. Our presumptions about the world are called beliefs.Values are the means by which we assign values to things and actions.
  2. Our beliefs are shaped by our cultural background, spiritual lessons, and life experiences. Our values are greatly influenced by our beliefs.
  3. Values can make prejudice evident, and beliefs might go over into prejudice.
  4. Morality is affected by beliefs.Values are the ways in which our conduct, personality, and character reflect our moral principles (1).

Our decisions and actions are guided by our values. These ideas are shared by all, bringing people together. Ideas like justice, equality, freedom, and fairness can all be considered values. Beliefs are presumptions we maintain to be true, which may or may not be supported by evidence. Beliefs don’t require evidence. Assumptions we have about the world and ourselves are called beliefs. Our thoughts and experiences shape our beliefs. Morality is impacted by beliefs. Our beliefs inform our values. Our interactions and behaviour are governed by our values. Values are the things that we think matter. Character and behaviour are impacted by values (2).

Our values serve as a representation of our objectives. They are typically further specified by criteria and are abstract in nature. Beliefs are assessments that link our experiences to our standards and ideals. They lend meaning to our experiences and set our values in context. Our perception of the world and ourselves is shaped by our values and beliefs. They truly make our maps of reality; they serve as filters for our perceptions. They genuinely shape our world and define who we are (3).

Although we frequently use the terms interchangeably, values and beliefs are not the same thing.Your guiding concepts are known as your values. They’re the benchmarks you establish for yourself on what’s right, just, and significant in the world. They ascertain what you like and dislike, what you seek out and what you avoid.

Your actions are directly influenced by your values. They are connected to your needs and have an impact on your daily conduct and character. What you value is anything you feel is lacking in your life or is most significant to you. These items improve our feeling of contentment and wellbeing.

On the other side, your beliefs are the things you believe to be true, frequently without hesitation. They develop during the course of your life and are shaped by a variety of factors, including your upbringing, both positive and negative life experiences, the breadth and depth of your knowledge, the outcomes of your past choices, and your projected future plans.

Beliefs are typically generalizations, primarily based on religion or society, that influence your morals and values. They represent an acknowledgement, even in the absence of hard evidence, that something is real or true. These worldviews develop from a variety of sources.

Your values are based on and shaped by your beliefs. You could think that your unique contribution to the world will be what makes you stand out. The value of creativity is in line with such notion. You might think that connections and friendships are the most significant things in life. Loyalty is the main principle there.

One thing that sometimes gets forgotten in the argument between values and beliefs is that they are not always healthy. Many of us have unknowingly acquired limiting beliefs during our childhood and adult lives. Thoughts such as “I’m not worthy of love” or “I’ll never be good enough” are examples of limiting beliefs; they don’t align with your actual principles. These unfavourable ideas must come to light, and you must swap them out for ones that will empower you (4).

Values are more about how we interpret our experiences via our personalities in order to commit to universal concepts of right and wrong, whereas beliefs are more about our individual past. Even if our ideas may be distinct, we will likely have values in common with a large number of people.

Values rarely change, but beliefs do. Assumptions underpin beliefs, and thus are subject to contestation. Our values are more fundamental to who we are. Though many of us spend our lives based on values that aren’t even our own, values can be “changed” in this way. As an alternative, they are “borrowed” from friends, parents, and romantic partners. In order to “change” to our own ideals that are more appropriate for us, we might recognize this dilemma. Values can undoubtedly change as we do. When you’re young, having the value of achievement, for instance, could come off as desire. As you get older, that same value might be associated with justice, success that benefits not only you but also others (5).

Thank you for reading.



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  1. Hi Kiara, what an interesting topic for your inquiry project! I have never really thought about this questions before but now that I have read your blog post, I also think that it is a very intriguing thing to think about. I believe that it is very important for people our age to learn about concept because it will help us reflect on what we truly believe in and value ourselves. Nevertheless, here is a link that I hope will help you with your research,,%2C%20spiritual%20learnings%2C%20and%20culture.
    Good luck!

  2. Hi Kiara,

    Great blog post!

    You topic is very interesting, and I think we often don’t realize or think about the difference between beliefs and values. I liked how you delved into the differences between beliefs and values with such detail, as I think it is somewhat difficult to comprehend, yet your explanations were very thorough and clear.
    I think it would also be great if you could dive into how teenagers can be aware of their values and beliefs and understand the connection and impact it has on their everyday choices, as it is something most young adults struggle to see.

    This source may help with this:

    Looking forward to your future posts!


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