
Blog Post #7: Reflection – What is Time?

This topic has been extremely insightful for me to learn how the central concept of time carries out into everyday life, spanning cultures and regions thorough fully. It has taught me so much in terms of research I never would have thought about in the scope of my learning during regular classes.

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?

Throughout this inquiry, I was able to condense a plethora of similarly relevant information into multiple blog posts that presented a fascinating depiction of time. Nonetheless, finding broad spectrum information that went beyond general terms relative to time was quite difficult. Overcoming these challenges required me to delve deep into multiple sources and search engines to acquire information that was all-encompassing. Thus, with some extra effort and time, I was able to acquire information that amassed multiple perspectives.

How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry gave me reason to believe that not everything needs to be scheduled around the intangible time on the clock. Productivity exists outside of deadlines, and can have the ability to create a world where stress is intensively diminished. In addition, the exploration of different methods of counting time aside from minutes, hours, and days has been an idea presented to foster a sense of natural alignment to circadian rhythms that coincides with the human brain and body on a better note. Without the choke hold that time has over the majority of the population, society can thrive.

How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

This investigation gave me a sense of investigative purpose in the sense that it was enlightening in a way I haven’t been exposed to previously. With not much questioning about the significance of time in the media, there isn’t much to go off of beyond generalized indication of time’s effect on mental health. It has impacted my idea of time as being more of something that merely exists as a guideline rather than something to strictly live by. In many ways, the stress in my life has been incumbently eliminated by my lack of attention going towards things that lower my vibration, and given me more time to focus on healing myself in many ways that are constructive to my overall health.

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

This information has the potential to apply to individuals globally in ways that allow them to work with other nations to create a flexible idea of time that goes beyond what capitalistic society has told us we must see this concept as. With a diverse range of perspectives circling back to a malleable central idea, countries and regions can work together for the betterment of citizens’ physical and mental well-being. On a more personal note, individuals who read and explore these blog posts are now equipped with the mindset of time not being everything, perhaps a simple structure that allows them to categorize things by date, but not to take things so seriously beyond that fact. A global proposal could be taking away rigid deadlines for things, and focusing the end goal that envisions productive success, along with the positive well-being of everyone involved.

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