
Blog Post #5 – Final Research Round

Welcome to my final blog post for the research portion as I answer the question: What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses? 

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by negative thoughts? Do these thoughts effect your day-to-day life, making easy tasks like finishing assignments and cleaning your room infinitely harder? I personally have been affected countless time by thoughts such as these, often materializing when I allow myself to overthink or get stressed by irrelevant things. In this blog post, I will be delving into the importance of controlling negative thoughts and will share practical tactics, both personal and researched, to help overcome them. By implementing these strategies, I hope you can cultivate a mindset that fosters positivity and resilience. 

Negative thoughts have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being (1), clouding our judgement, hindering productivity, and lowering our self-esteem (3). Persistent negative thinking can spiral into stress, anxiety, and even depression, furthering ruining our mental state (3). However, the impact of negative thinking extends beyond our psychological state, directly impacting our physical health (4). For example, a consistent series of negative self-talk can cause physical reactions manifesting as changes in metabolism (either overeating or under-eating), disrupted sleep patterns, or social withdrawal. (4). Many individuals struggle to overcome these changes and don’t know how to cope with the overwhelming, negative thoughts in healthy ways. This causes them to resort to harmful coping mechanisms such as substance or self abuse, further deteriorating their mental and physical state (4). 

Understanding the harmful consequences of focusing on negative thoughts highlights why it’s crucial to learn how to manage our thinking patterns. By learning how to control our thoughts, we can have more control over how we feel and live our lives in a more positive and fulfilling way (6). There are several effective techniques for managing negative thoughts. A few examples are are follows:

  1. One approach is cognitive restructuring, which involves identifying and challenging irrational beliefs (5). 
  2. Mindfulness meditation is another powerful tool that allows us to observe our thoughts without judgment, thereby reducing their grip on our consciousness (6). 
  3. Additionally, practicing gratitude can shift our focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in our lives, fostering a more positive outlook (6). 

In my own journey to combat negative thinking, I’ve found certain tactics to be particularly helpful. 

  1. Journaling allows me to express and reflect on my emotions, providing clarity and insight into the root causes of my negative thoughts. I practice journaling by writing down any issues that are causing me reoccurring stress or anxiety. Writing down emotions associated with my problems has helped me realize that my problems do not define me and are separate from me. It has helped me recognize that my thoughts are solely ideas that I experience and not things that need to consume or control me. 
  2. Setting boundaries with negative influences, whether they’re people or media, has also been crucial in my journey of maintaining a healthy mindset. I often find myself getting absorbed in harmful media, which then pulls me into a cycle of excessive consumption and unhealthy habits. By establishing clear boundaries and reducing my media intake, I’ve found it easier to concentrate on important tasks and allocate more time to improving my mental and physical well-being. 
  3. Moreover, engaging in physical activities like exercise or yoga not only boosts my mood but also helps to clear my mind of negativity. I also enjoy sports as they provide a space for me to meet new people, forge new friendships, and enhance my skills in a variety of sports, adding more meaning and purpose to my life.

It is often confusing, particularly considering the amount of information and misleading facts spread over media, to differentiate negative thinking that everyone experiences from mental illnesses that require professional help. While negative thinking is a common experience that everyone encounters from time to time, mental illnesses involve persistent patterns of negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that significantly impair daily functioning and quality of life (1). It’s crucial to recognize that mental health disorders are medical conditions that often require professional intervention and treatment. Seeking accurate information from reliable sources and consulting with mental health professionals can help individuals differentiate between normal fluctuations in mood and more serious mental health concerns (7). Additionally, fostering open conversations and reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness can promote better understanding and support for those who may be struggling (7).

Embracing positive thoughts isn’t just about feeling good in the moment, it can profoundly transform our entire lifestyle. By cultivating an optimistic mindset, we become more resilient in the face of challenges, more open to new opportunities, and more compassionate towards ourselves and others. Positive thinking isn’t about denying or ignoring reality but rather choosing to focus on the possibilities and solutions rather than dwelling on the problems. Mastering our thoughts is key to leading a fulfilling and empowered life. By implementing strategies to control negative thinking, such as cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and gratitude, we can break free from the grip of negativity and embrace a more positive outlook. Through personal experimentation and research, we can discover which tactics resonate most with us and cultivate a mindset that nurtures growth, resilience, and happiness. Your thoughts will only consume you if you allow them to. Remember, you have the ability to shape your thoughts and perceptions, guiding yourself towards positivity and resilience.

1 – Smith, Emma-Marie. “What Is Negative Thinking? How It Destroys Your Mental Health.” HealthyPlace, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024. 

2 – Danielle. “Food for Thought: How Negative Thinking Impacts Our Life & Health.” NGPG, 26 July 2023, 

3 – Elizabeth Scott, PhD. “How to Reduce Negative Self-Talk for a Better Life.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 22 Nov. 2023, 

4 -Maloney, Bree. “The Effects of Negativity.” Marque Medical, 8 Nov. 2022, 

5 – “Examples of Cognitive Restructuring.” Concordia University, 4 Mar. 2020,,that%20do%20not%20produce%20stress. 

6 – “How Do Thoughts and Emotions Affect Health?” Taking Charge of Your Wellbeing, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024. 

7 – “Mental Health: What’s Normal, What’s Not.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 14 Dec. 2021, 

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Sarah,
    I really enjoyed following your journey of reading your numerous blog posts this semester. Your inquiry topic about a person’s physiological responses is very intriguing to me and I loved learning new information in every blog post. I also really like how detailed your posts are. They are very easy to follow long and I did not have trouble understanding anything. You did a great job overall and I wish you luck in your project for Semester 2!

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