
Blog Post #4 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my fourth blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?”

This is my second step of the research, about how the dissemination of knowledge helps shape our societies, this will help me to research how spreading knowledge could contribute to the development of our society.

The dissemination of knowledge shapes human societies through the creation of communities that are bound together by shared interests, the dissemination of knowledge would also allow more creative and critical minds to contribute to societal growth, and the dissemination of knowledge is one of the most important building factors of a culture and a country.

  1. The dissemination of knowledge shapes human societies through the creation of communities that are bound together by shared interests. For example, people learn about the Russo-Ukrainian war online, and through this shared information, kind people in Canada have created programs dedicated to helping Ukrainian families settle down in Canada. Chris Millers, who is a Coquitlam librarian, saw the hardships Ukrainian people had to face settling down and initiated the program to help them. Through the creation of the program, I was able to help many Ukrainian families get better accustomed to living in Canada through this program and made many Ukrainian friends in the process. The dissemination of knowledge and information that we have access to today provides us with the privilege of understanding the hardship that people go through in their lives and therefore allows us to be more understanding and caring to others. Through people sharing information with each other, communities are established and the relationships between people are strengthened. It is through the active sharing of informations between that we are able to achieve the society that we have right now, and sharing information and knowledge with other people we know will continue to help us make the world a better place, and for us to strengthen our relationships with others.

2. The dissemination of knowledge would also allow more creative and critical minds to contribute to societal growth. The act of sharing knowledge with others is often done with a trusted official with adequete knowledge to someone who have less knowledge in the subject, a common example of this can be schools, universities, or even educational YouTube videos. Through education at school, the children accumulate “skills essential to daily living”, ability to critically think about complex issues, and “how to discern right from wrong”(1). This is essential to the growth of a society because it ensures the next generation to be starting on the right path, and to start farther than the previous generation as many information are taught to them instead of having themselves figure it out. Moreover, as more and more people get better educated, their lives and lifespans also increase, because they learn about things they don’t have, and they will fight for themselves and others around them to have these rights (1). They learn about the life they could have, and as they learn about the lives that they could have, they become more motivated to create new things, they become motivated to improve their lives; often times, as they try to make their own lifes better, they also improve lives of people around them as they create more oppertunities for others, creating a positive influence loop for countries and communities in need of growth and advancements (2) (5).

3. The dissemination of knowledge is one of the most important things shapes a culture and country as people can be influenced based on what they see and learn. Before the invention of the internet or cell phone, people talked to each other either face to face, or via mail, communication was slow, but word still got around if something big were to happen, like a war, royal marriage, or even the finding of a brand new continent. People shared their informations and experiences with others, using the common language they spoke, and that is what created the various cultures that we have in our world now (4). The different cultures are results of many differences in the means of communication, and it is also what seprated two adjacent areas into two countires, because their culture did not get along. In 2024, the most common way to share knowledge with other people is though digital means. With digital means of sharing information, online news websites are undoubtably one of the most prominent and trustworthy ones, yet we often ignore their enfluence on the public’s opinion, our behaviour, and even how a country progresses (4). Online news organizations have such a drastic influence on the public because of their trust on the validity of the information, and the professional sounding articles that are presented in front of them. Online news organizations are often capable of altering people’s political opinions through posting articles only about right-winged views, or only about left winged views (3).

For my next round of research, I will be concluding on how the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge shapes human societies and contribute to progress to a greater world.







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  1. Hi Scott!

    This is my first time looking at your blog post but the title interested me! I like your use of unique vocabulary to captivate the audience and help thoroughly explain your inquiry. Your question is not an easy one to tackle, so good on you for brining it on! As I read through your blog post, I could see that you were quite organized in the execution of your research. However, I suggest editing some run on sentences for an easier read. If you want, it may help you connect your ideas more smoothly together if the sentences were not too long. Therefore reader wouldn’t get lost along the way! Like for example, with this one run on sentence where it said, “The dissemination of knowledge shapes human societies through the creation of communities that are bound together by shared interests, the dissemination of knowledge would also allow more creative and critical minds to contribute to societal growth, and the dissemination of knowledge is one of the most important building factors of a culture and a country”. That sentence could possibly be edited and alternatively sound like this: Through the creation of communities that are bound together by shared interests, human societies are able to be shaped by the dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, the dissemination of knowledge would also allow more creative…(and the rest of your sentence would work great!). Hope that example help you. Other than that, I think your inquiry is an important and not an easy question to handle. It must take a lost of research and application of our present society today to be able to piece this blog post together. Keep up the great work! 🙂

  2. Hi Scott,
    I was surprised that you mentioned Chris Miller. I know him and I have been a volunteer for his program for about a year now and I still am presently. I volunteer as a French tutor and I am tutoring a little Ukrainian girl. You mentioned how he initiated a program to help Ukrainians settle in. He also took charge of starting a French tutoring program for kids who cannot afford tutors, although he cannot speak French himself. This makes me realize what a great person I am volunteering for. Your topic sounds very complex, which made it a bit difficult for me to understand. But I understand the importance of dissemination of knowledge, especially nowadays I see a lot of this. For example, the action to boycott Starbucks has reached a large audience through spreading the message. This has reached so many people to the point that anyone I know also knows about it. Dissemination of knowledge could be a good thing if it is spreading information like how Starbucks supports terrorism, therefore everyone should boycott. Here are some sources that can help:

  3. Hi Scott!!
    This was a really fun post to read because it is sort of relevant to us all to know about societies past! I really likes how you incorporated the topic of how society communicated with one another when internet and phones did not exists and it really goes to show that even without the resources we have today, our cutltures are able to successfully communicate and learn about each other thought it is a bit harder without the resources we currently have!

    Good job on the post and good luck on your next one!!

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