
Jasmine Paduraru

Hi! My name is Jasmine. I am 15 years old, and I go to Dr Charles Best Secondary school. I am on a soccer team, and I really like staying active. Some other things I do in my spare time are: reading, writing, and art.

This is my second year in butterfly effect! I’ve loved my time in butterfly effect so far, and I think we have created a strong community of hard working and caring people. I ended up in butterfly effect after Ms Stuart mentioned it as an extra learning opportunity to me. I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but after going to my first meeting, I felt so lucky to have come across this unique and amazing program. I think it’s really cool that we get the chance to work with people all around the world, and I’ve learnt a lot!

My main passions are helping others and learning about the world around me, and this class helps me explore those passions. It really bothers me that people are treated unfairly and unequally, and I strive to change that. I think that a lot of people try to ignore all the negativity in the world, but someone needs to face it head on in order to help fix things. I also love storytelling, so I am very interested in the story option this year!

My family is Romanian, and I have been raised in the Romanian culture. However, a little know fact about me is that I am actually part African! African Romanian is definitely a rare combination, and I’ve never met anyone else with the same background as me. Although I love living in Canada, I also love traveling and experiencing life in different places around the world. It’s so cool to meet new people and learn about their culture and lives! Here are some of the places I’ve been and things I’ve seen: (


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