I’m interested in this research since I can describe the changes that have occurred in the current way of living. There have also been modifications in the current way of life that did not exist in earlier times. For example, the use of electric cooking gas was not common in the past. This contrasts with the three stone fires used by early man to prepare hunted animals.
Also, as a researcher or student, I will be able to learn some scientific abilities, such as observing and narrating, which allows one to relate incidents that have occurred in both present and historical settings.
The modern style of life has almost completely altered everything, even how early man lived in the wilderness, yet there is currently progress in house construction. In the past, early man received medicine from plants, but today, medicine is produced from chemicals, with the exception of a few taken from certain plant species. Previously, gender roles were defined as work done by women, men, boys, and girls in distinct ways, with a man doing chores such as providing security and material items as the head of their family, however today, even a woman can give security and other material things. A woman was also expected to be delicate, shy, motherly, quiet, a good listener, and a housekeeper, whereas males were expected
Hi Raphaella!
I really liked reading your blog post! I think this is a very interesting and unique subject to research. I also think this is a great way to learn more about the past and present gender roles in society and what big differences there are. You have a great English vocabulary and phrased everything very well! One thing you should remember to take into account is that different countries have different ideas of what a modern man is. You should make sure to include at least a few different countries in your research and use the main ideas from each one. Overall, I think you made a really awesome blog post!