
BLOG POST! Should all schools follow the same type of education system globally for example American system?

The main reason that I would like to research on this question; is to find out whether there is a possibility in future the world can use the same education system .In additionally the institutions could use the same resources during the learning process.

I am interested in this research because Africa will develop. Not only the continent in terms of education but also invention of skills. Besides this there will be no need to go to outside countries and other continents for higher education. Additionally, families  will save on the resources that may have been used  during the movement.

This research will mainly benefit the students and countries. This is because students will acquire   the same skills and knowledge Hence, they will invent the same invention that would benefit their countries. This will bring equality among countries thus  discouraging discrimination.

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  1. Hi Beatrice!
    I really enjoyed reading your Blog Post One! I think this is a very interesting and useful subject to research. I think you did a great job explaining why you want to research this subject and added a good amount of detail without repeating yourself. I think you made some very strong points on why this should happen but would also love to hear more of the other side of this argument (why this shouldn’t happen). Overall, I really loved your first blog post and look forward to reading more!

  2. Hi Beatrice!

    It’s great that you’re interested in the future of world education; this is such an important subject! There might be more chances for students and a smaller gap in education between countries if each system was the same. I’d love to hear more about how different regions might adapt a shared system while still preserving their unique educational strengths! i loved reading your blog post and cant wait for future blog post! Good luck
    – Dara CM

  3. Hi Beatrice!
    This is such an interesting topic! I like how you’re thinking about how a global education system could help with development and equality. Considering how it could create more opportunities for students everywhere is amazing for the future. I would love to hear more about how it could affect creativity and innovation in different countries. I can’t wait to see where your research goes!
    – Ishani Balachandran

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