I chose to conduct study on this topic since people are constantly coming up with new ideas for improving their daily lives.Scientists have developed and are now working on humanoid robots capable of replacing humans. In addition, this will help me attain my aim of becoming a scientist.
The exciting aspect of this research is that we get to learn about robots and how they will affect our present and future. Furthermore, we get to see how these robots can achieve inconceivable things. Despite knowing more about robots, we are also learning more about technology.
If robots could replace human labour, they would do the tasks that humans could do faster, more efficiently, and correctly. Human races will profit from the invention of humanoid robots since it will make their jobs easier.I chose to conduct study on this topic since people are constantly coming up with new ideas for improving their daily lives.Scientists have developed and are now working on humanoid robots capable of replacing humans. In addition, this will help me attain my aim of becoming a scientist.
The exciting aspect of this research is that we get to learn about robots and how they will affect our present and future. Furthermore, we get to see how these robots can achieve inconceivable things. Despite knowing more about robots, we are also learning more about technology.
If robots could replace human labour, they would do the tasks that humans could do faster, more efficiently, and correctly. Human races will profit from the invention of humanoid robots since it will make their jobs easier.
Hi Nancy,
Great job with this post! I love the topic you chose for this blog. It’s really fascinating and I think many including myself, have thought about what would happen if robots/ai replaced the work of many people. I hope to see more of your post and read about new information or any ideas you have had. I hope you can achieve your dreams and become a scientist in the future. Best of luck!