
About me Nancy Nyaruai!

My name is Nancy Nyaruai.I come from Ex erock Ngobit ward in Laikipia County. Additionally   I school at Loise Nanyuki Girls which is an extra county school. It is located in Thingithu ward behind Nanyuki municipal stadium. Love my school because it is one of the best schools in Laikipia County and I truly proud of my school.

My hobby is reading novels which I enjoy because it helps me to improve linguistically. Besides it is interesting for me. Furthermore it helps me to improve in my writing skills and speak fluently in English. What is more, is that I enjoy reading them during my leisure time. This is because it helps me to keep my mind busy and away thinking or engaging in evil deeds.

Moreover my talent is dancing. I t helps me to be flexible and forget the range of ideas that I have had throughout the day. More also it is enjoyable since it can be done by both children and adults. The moving of the body is a form of exercise which is good for our health.

The one thing that keeps me going is the saying @ Education is the only thing that can make a pauper’s son to sit with the kings. It is for this reason that I study smart and ensure I pass in my subjects. In future I would like to pursue my career of becoming a doctor. This will foster positive change in my community.

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  1. Hi Nancy! I admire your achievements and aspiration to become a doctor .You must be very determined and working hard on your studies .I agree with you that education is the only thing can make a pauper`s son to sit with the kings .The world needs young people like us to advance various aspects of life. I look forward to sharing ideas as we start our journey in research.

  2. Hello Nancy, I love your profile especially your career choice of being a doctor. I think that we need more doctors in the world . Please ensure that you perform well in your sciences and mathematics so that you can actualize this dream. Therefore hard work and determination will make your dreams come true.

  3. Hey Nancy, I know that you can do more than you know since dancing enables you to be relaxed both mentally and physically and by reading more on novels, you will be able to know more. I wish all the best.

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