
Blog Post #3: Round 1 of Research – How Instagram Affects Teenagers’ Self-Esteem and Relationships

Research: First Round of Findings

1. Instagram’s Features and Their Effect on Self-Esteem

Instagram is has things such as likes comments and filters and these can really impact teenagers and their selfview. Take filters as an instance; they have the power to transform pictures into flawless portraits. This often sets a high expectation for teenagers making them think they need to match that level of perfection. In 2023 the Child Mind Institute discovered that teenagers frequently measure themselves against the perfect pictures they find on Instagram leading to a drop in how good they feel about themselves.

2. How the Instagram Algorithm Affects Mental Health

The way Instagram works is by putting the posts that get the most likes and comments at the front and center. This usually means the stuff that looks the best gets seen the most. When teenagers look at these posts and notice they aren’t getting as many likes or as much attention, it can make them feel pretty down about themselves. Research by Common Sense Media has shown that always comparing ourselves can make us feel not good enough worried and stressed out.

3. Effects of Instagram on Relationships

Instagram serves as a bridge for teenagers to keep in touch with their pals yet it sometimes acts as a wedge driving their friendships apart. Imagine a teen scrolling through their feed only to discover pictures of their mates having fun without them – such sights can stir up feelings of jealousy over missed gatherings and shared moments they were left out of. Feeling lonely can happen when misunderstandings between friends occur. Teens who often use Instagram feel lonelier despite being online together a study by BBC in 2024 found.




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