If you are just reading, let me catch you up a bit. Me and my friends are doing a bottle drive and donating the money to Wildlife Rescue Association of BC, and here is where we are at with it. So far, me and my group have done a little bit more. We were not at the greatest start at the beginning, but I think me and my group have each made a bit more progress.
For me, I picked up a few bottles around my area when I had the time to do it. I also had quite a few bottles in my garage as well that I used. I am planning on doing it more in the next week or so. I have had a bit of issues carrying the bottles around, but it was not that big of an issue to me, and it was easy to solve. I just did separate trips and more walking.
With the bottles I have collected and the bottles I had in my garage and after going to the Depop, I made around 19.34$. I know its not a ton, but I have not had the most time to do it. Also, with the bottles that my group has donated as well, we will have a better profit. I want to try going maybe next week with my friends, but we will check the weather condition before hand. Hopefully, we can make quite a bit more before it starts snowing and have enough to donate to the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. Anyway, that’s all for now.
1. Is Aluminum Foil Recyclable In BC? – Regional Recycling Depot. (2024). Regional Recycling Depot. https://doi.org/1010333864/KJnMCI7EmPABEKjx4eED
2. Truth About Recycling — 5 Gyres. (2018). 5 Gyres. 5 Gyres. https://www.5gyres.org/truth-about-recycling?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAhP67BhAVEiwA2E_9g08JOgg2oZZHtJLcj1u8QcREYn1kRw1eu8vCAw45iwK979xE_0KqaRoCvxwQAvD_BwE