
Blog Post#3 – Recycling Project and Teaching Elementary Schools About the Environment

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog post number three.

My action overview: for people who have not read my previous blog posts, my action is focused on helping future generations to care for the environment by educating them from a young age about our beautiful planet and the problem’s affecting it. I am doing this by helping to running a club where we work on contacting schools and making presentations to show the kids. Our goal is to do this in a way that lets them know that the kids can help. And not to make them feel scared and helpless like how I felt when I first learned about things like climate change and the plastic impacts on the world back in elementary school and early middle school. I hope you enjoy this blog post and stay to learn more.

So far the club has been going slower than we would have hoped. Our main issue is that it is exceptionally hard to find a day when everyone is free. We have had a total of three meetings to date. We have gotten into a better and more consistent rhythm for the meetings.

At the last meeting, we discussed ideas for fundraising. As a group, we decided that we will be doing a bake sale. Like the ones everyone knows and loves. We hope to raise a minimum of $100 at our first bake sale.

This money will be spent on materials for our presentation. While planning and executing the bake sale we will also start sending out emails to schools to see which of them would like us to come and share our presentation. Hopefully, we will have four to five that write back. Once we know who is interested we will communicate back and forth to find a day that works best for us and the schools and their teachers. After we find out which days work best, we will get in contact with the teacher to find out the grade and maybe some other key things we should know about the kids. Once we have found out the information we will try our best to incorporate it into the presentation to keep the kids more engaged. We will also make sure the presentation is grade-appropriate which means the words are simple, and also some images. If I was a kid learning about something new or something I did not know a lot about and there were lots of big words that I did not understand or know I would be less likely to stay focused and learn something. Hopefully making the presentations simpler and grade-appropriate will ensure these kids understand the environmental issues we have going on and how they can help.

Thank you for reading and I hope you follow along with more updates to come on our action project!

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