Summary of my action:
Me and my two partners, Zoe and Ciara, will be running a bottle drive and do a park clean-up. Once we have collected all of the bottles that we need, we will be bringing them to the return it depo where we will receive money that we be donated. The money that we earn/raise will be donated to the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. This is an organization that helps injured, orphaned, and pollution-damaged wildlife. The reason we are collecting the bottles is to keep them from landfill and stop them from being polluted. We are donating the money to not only raise money, but to raise awareness so that others can also work on helping these animals.

This week, one of my partners already returned her bottles at the return it depo, which raise around $30. I plan on visiting the return it depo within the next we or so, probably this weekend. I am guessing that my other partner will be doing the same so hopefully we can each raise around $30.

The next step in our action is to commence the park clean up. We are currently trying to find a day where all of us are available and able to clean up a park. We are not fully sure which park we will be visiting, but it will depend if we do it after school and what location works best for us. After we do our park clean-up, we will start putting up posters and spreading the word about our bottle drive.

Recycling is a very important step in throwing away your trash and making sure everything gets sorted properly. “By recycling our materials, we create a healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.”(1). It is very important to recycle not only for your community, but also the world we live in. “When we recycle, we lessen disruption to the natural world” (2). Me and my partners are doing the best we can and although it might just be picking up bottles and donating money, we hope to inspire others to do the best they can even if it’s just sorting your trash.
Thank you for reading!
1: Environmental protection agency:,the%20economy%2C%20and%20the%20environment.
2: North hill bottle depo: