I went to my elementary school, Ranch Park, to volunteer in Mrs. Menard’s class again for my action project. This time, I helped the grade three students with their Daily 3 assignment, which consists of reading, writing, and vocabulary on their iPads. I also signed their planners at the end of the day, and I taught them basketball skills in gym class.

A success I had was securing the opportunity to play basketball with the students because they were excited to play throughout the day and wanted to improve their skills. Another success that came with this was making my free throw when showing the kids how to shoot the ball. This was a success because it showed the class that it wasn’t impossible to score consistently. Furthermore, a success was checking the students’ vocab homework to see if they did it right. This was a success because I was able to offer assistance by sounding out the words if a student didn’t understand because I am an expert in spelling those words. Sounding out the words can help students because it teaches them how to blend sounds and analyze letters in big words. (1)

A challenge I had was interacting with the students because the teacher told me most of them were sick, so I had to make sure not to get too close. I overcame this by keeping my distance and washing my hands regularly. Another challenge that occurred was during gym class because the students had a hard time not dribbling the ball when the instructions were explained. I overcame this by having the students sit with both hands in their lap, so it was easier for them not to get distracted. Lastly, a challenge I faced was helping the kids log into their iPads to access the dictionary, but it was glitching. I overcame this by informing the teacher and telling the students to try a different device.

Next, I plan on going back to that school in the following week to help out in the same class because me and the teacher came up with a schedule for me to come in on Wednesdays. I plan on playing basketball with the students again in gym class because this helps with their cognitive abilities and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. (2) However, this time instead of just teaching skills we will actually run a full game.

(1) How To Help Kids Sound Out Words: Expert Tips And Ideas – Begin Learning. Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos. (2021, April 16) https://www.beginlearning.com/parent-resources/sound-out-words/
(2) The Importance of Physical Activity for Children – Everyone Active. Everyone Active. (n.d) https://www.everyoneactive.com/content-hub/fitness/physical-activity-for-children/
Hi Mahdiya,
Your post shows a wonderful commitment to volunteering and engaging with younger students!It’s fantastic that you’re teaching basketball skills and combining physical activity with mental growth—this is such a valuable experience for the kids. Have you thought about introducing any specific drills or exercises that might further enhance their skills or teamwork? since technology can be challenging, especially with glitches, it might be helpful to prepare a backup activity or resource in case similar issues arise in the future. Keep up the amazing work; your efforts are making a real difference in these students’ learning and development!
i cant wait for your future blog post!
-Dara CM