hi everyone, im so sorry for the late post.
action overview: for people who have not read my previous blog posts, my action is helping future generation care for the environment by educating them from a young age about our beautiful planet and the problem’s affecting it ( I am doing this by running a club were we work on contacting schools and making presentations). my goal is to do this in a way that lets them know that they can help not to make them feel scared and helpless like how i felty when i first learned about things like climate change and the plastic problem back in elementary school. i hope you enjoy this blog post and stay along for the ride. i will try my best to read the comments all suggestion and questions are greatly appreciated

so far the club has been going slower than i would have hoped. are main issue is that it is really hard to find a day when everyone is free. we have had three meetings so far and, we have gotten in to a better rithum. at the last meeting we disscused ideas for fundraising we will probably end up doiung a clasic bake sale. we hope to raise a minimum of $100, this money will be spent on materials for are presentation. our next step after the bake sale is to start sending out emails to schools to see who would like us to present our presentatuion. hopefully we will have four to five write back. once we know who is intrestead we will comunicate back and forth to find a day that woks. once we know who we a presenting for we can start working on our presentation, it is importante that we know who we are presenting to so we can make it grae appropriate to hopefully be more effective in helping these kids understand the envoirmental issues e have going on and how they can help.

thank you so much for reading my blog post.