So far, for my action I have made a plan, gotten a few details for the day down, and confirmed everything with my partners. Like Robert Collier once said, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” (1). All of this has been very successful. Me and my partners agree on all the details, we have a good, organized plan, and a good number of details. One challenge we have faced is getting specific details for our plan on the day of the bottle drive. We have not yet figured out the date that we are going to have it on or a lot of the logistics in our plan. That is why the next step in our plan is to figure all of this out. But, as Colin R. Davis has said, “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.”, so I am not worried about it going wrong (2).

Here is the plan for what we’re doing next:
1: discussing with partners: we will discuss a more in-depth version of our plan, set a date for our action, and figure out how we will transport the bottles.
2: get the word out: we will advertise by handing out flyers, promoting on social media, and by word of mouth (3).
3: do the park clean up: we will do a sweep of the park(s) that we want to clean and pick up all the bottles we find. We can make sure the cleanup runs smoothly by not only taking care of the parks, but also taking care of ourselves, for example staying hydrated (4).
4: return the bottles to the return-it depo: we will sort the bottles and trade them in for money.
5: donate the money we make: the money made will all go to the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. This organization helps rescue, transport, and release animals back into the wild.

Hey Yula,
I really love your idea to bring your bottles to a Return it Depop to raise money for Wildlife Rescue Association of BC. Next time try to add some more details to your plan, and elaborate as much possible rather than leaving room for people to assume things. I really like how you added quotes from Robert Collier, Colin R. If you have not already try and find out how you donate to this association.